An analogy used to describe people, usually larger ones, who excrimate their feces in a manner resembling a dumptruck dumping it's load.
Man, that fat old b1tch dumps like a truck
by Mike Lofthouse April 13, 2004
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A woman with a plump booty covered in sprem
Yo g why yo mama gotta cum dump truck
by Orangatangmilk June 4, 2021
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A “Rock-Pissing Trump Truck” is a very large dump truck FULL of rocks, and the rocks are pissing out all over your vehicle. These rocks are chipping the paint and hitting the windshield. And the truck has the nerve to post a sign saying “not responsible for any damage” and “stay back 200 feet”.
Rusty was so angry at the “Rock-Pissing Dump Truck” ahead of him. He pushed the gas pedal to the floor and went 85 mph to pass it!
by Julesheart March 7, 2023
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The ultimate immovable object, the dump truck is a masterful hockey player and can be found at the ice rink 24/7 "Dumpin on players in the zone and bitches at home". Also refers to the sexual act of defecating in ones pants while receiving dome and just saying fuck it and continuing.
He tried to hit Erik "The Dump Truck" Staky but ended up going to boom town and was knocked flat on his back with shit in his pants.

Sam gave him an Erik "The Dump Truck" Staky last night... he enjoyed it.
by Coach MMMMMMMM January 25, 2011
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To have the maritals with your spouse; Sex with someone to whom it's become routine.
After playing poker all night, Troy knew his wife would be mad so he picked up some beer and went home to grease the old dump truck.
by Shar1 May 18, 2017
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