The act or action of making out with, getting a hand job from, and fingering a girl all at the same time. Known as a Bermuda Triangle because of the 3 contact points of sexual action, and you don't know where it will lead to- a blow job, eat her out, sex, or anything else.
Yo i was in the Bermuda Triangle with that hoe last night and after 5 minutes she went down on me!
by Gonzo005 April 17, 2011
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Similar to 696, the Bermuda Triangle is a position in which three people perform fellatio-thus making a triangle. But unlike the 696 the performers would not try it on their sides.
Eric was so happy to perform The Bermuda Triangle on his friends. It was a good day for him.
by HarryCherry November 13, 2009
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What happens when unexpected flatulance goes bad
Pat came to work and discovered he had carried in some Bermuda Corn Cowder.
trouser chili
by Patty o' Funature June 8, 2009
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When someone coughs or sneezes so hard they loose bowel control and let a massive wet fart containing more shit then fart.
I knew Stanley wasn't feeling well when he sneezed and left a Bermuda cough drop on new shag rug.
by Johnnyzesty December 22, 2008
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Girl 1: Damn, no one has heard from you in ages! You join a cult or something?

Girl 2: Sorry I went Bermuda Triangle on you, had to dodge a hardcore collector.

Girl 1: You mean your pimp?

Girl 2: You say po-tay-to, I say po-tah-to.
by dude3.14 January 16, 2013
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A band created by the best musicians ever. They are a new uprising band in Penn Hills.
Duuuuuude! Are you going see that wicked Code Name Bermuda concert this Sunday?
by TC who is aka Bubba March 7, 2007
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The Burmuda Triangle is a spot under your left or right asscheek. It is when sumone grabs you under your leg and grabs your inner thigh,the bottom of your asscheek, and the bottom of your balls. It is know to be most uncomfortable when guys do it to eachother. It is used mostly when playing the game "Nervous"
When playing the game Nervous if that particular person wants to have a good shot of winning, he/she will grab your Bermuda Triangle
by DiLL767 September 26, 2010
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