Although there student section may not be the biggest its just as loud and crazy as any others.A team with a lot of pride and show it in some crazy rituals and dances.Their student section gets everyone involved and combine with the band and cheerleaders to create a sense of team pride.Love to talk shit with the other team and love knowing everyone hates them.
by -------/.,.---- October 7, 2006
a neighborhood near pittsburgh. their football team is the indians & the students have major school pride.
all the black kids from penn hills pretend they are from homewood and the white kids all act black. the get a really bad rep because the kids in the middle school, linton, call in a bomb threat once a week.
all the black kids from penn hills pretend they are from homewood and the white kids all act black. the get a really bad rep because the kids in the middle school, linton, call in a bomb threat once a week.
by 412bitxh July 30, 2008
The Penn Hills Mustache is a crusty, weak looking mustache that just looks obsolete when compared to other manly mustaches. Many kids from Penn Hills, P.A. sport one of these thin, inferior mustaches.
Person 1: Hey look at that kids silly mustache.
Person 2: Yea i saw him, thats called a penn hills mustache.
Person 2: Yea i saw him, thats called a penn hills mustache.
by RyanTaylor of P.H. September 23, 2009