A prep is someone who doesn't need to tell people that they are a prep people just assume. Preps wear nice clothes usualy consisting of polo, lily pulitzer, lacoste, j crew, ect. They are the people everyone wants to be. Always composed and looking fresh. Never wearing loads of make-up but still looking good. We all have a collection of purses including at least 5 of any of these: a coach, dooney and burke, or a vera bradley. Our collars are always flipped and never have a crease.

Girls: a daily outfit; polo shirt with collar popped and a plaid mini and eliza b flip flops, not to mention tiffany jewlrey

Guys: a daily outfit; polo shirt with collar popped and plaid shorts with birkenstoks

Preps Never:
1. wear trashy clothes
2. show too much clevage
3. except an engagment ring that doesn't come in a turquoise box
4. go anywhere without a ribbon handy

Classic Prep: always summering in the hamptons or the vinyard. Plays golf, lacrosse, field hockey, or soccer.

The New Prep: summering wherever they want but always end up having a good time. Shop at all the cutest stores but only but what is concidered preppy. Play field hockey, lacrosse or soccer ; but the occasional golfer.
There that preppy girl goes with her collar flipped up and her adorable lacrosse boyfriend
by Urban Dictionary May 17, 2004
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Preppy, comes from the word Prep, which is short for a College Preporatory School. Most of the deffs for this word are pretty off. I myself coming from a very affluient area and going to a prep school sure as hell knows what preppy is. People who wear only lacoste, polo, vineyard vines shirts, ect. are people who are trying way to hard to be "preppy". A true prep is one that dosent really care that much, because they dont need to show that they have money in that way. There is a big difference between old money and new money. New money preps are the ones who really make an effort to be preppy and show off money, which is pretty lame. Old money preps, dont have to try as hard and probubly have enough class not to be assholes about how they dress. New money preps where clothing such as the newest and best colored shirts in all colors styles ect. They were ribbon belts and there rainbows. Older money preps dont really need to make a stand that they are preppy, because they know they are and dont have to prove any sort of point. They wear more laid back clothing, more of older colored shirts they have had for a while, there worn out sevens and ralph lauren chinos possible with holes. An older money prep isnt as gay and as snooty looking as a new money. New money preps are people who have had there summer houses in the hamptons, nantucket, hyannis port, block island for the last decade. Older money preps have had there houses out there through generations and actually appereciate the place and keep it on the dl that they even go out there. Preppy people that truley love skiing have houses outwest rather than VT. Out west is where the skiing is at.. such as Aspen, Jackson Hole, and Sun Valley. Preps in general are usually good in athletes because boarding schools have pretty competitive teams. The best sports for them are lax,field hockey,tennis,skiing, and golf. Your not a true prep unless your actually good at the sports and not just say you are to sound cool. Many people try to pretend they are preppy by over doing the whole look....not cool.... Stores that think they are preppy are american eagle and abercrombie which has pretty shitty clothing. Preppy people usually have class and good manners, hopefully if you are preppy you can carry on an intellectual conversation about anything. To be a preppy person, have class, and not brag about money. is a good thing. there is a fine line between wanna be preps and true preps.
wannabe preppy girl: collored shirt with cable nit cashmere sweater over. Pearl. CK bradley belt. nantucket reds, that are not really from Murrys.The new gold jack rogers. Northface jacket.
= trying way to hard
chill prep= old rugby shirt, jeans (pref worn) no belt, pearl earrings ..ok. hoodie with college or prep school name on it.--mt hardware fleece.
-dosent really care
-----and for guys.... u decide
by iwasboardok? November 22, 2005
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Preppy is a way of life. IN Bethesda Maryland:We enjoy shows like the OC, go to schools like Georgetown Prep and Georgetown Visitation, we go to country clubs like Columbia or Congressional, we listen to alternative as in Postal Service or John mayer, we vacation in the little town of bethany beach , DE, our hair for girls is back loose and to the side, for boys a curly mess just below the ears is the norm, clothes consist of polos (COLLARS UP), cords with patterns from J Crew (dragonflies, or whales), lacoste lily and ralph lauren polos, Eliza B's, ribbon belts from CK Bradley Eliza B or Lily, ties as belts are a new fashion started by some party girls at a prep school called St. Jane in Bethesda, a preppy town just outside of Washington, D.C. PREPS ROCK
by CASEY MAGGIE ALLYSON! January 15, 2005
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The preps that I know are smart, well-traveled, well-spoken, well-dressed and indeed, out of the box. I guess this culture defines the artsy preps or creative preps who, may have both the material things that the true prep has and more or has nothing at all.

Artsy preps think like a prep: they aspire more. Astsy preps act like a prep: their intelligence shows. Preps dress like a prep: standard and simple yet original and fresh.

Yes, being preppy is really a number of things. Above all, the true prep is creative. Why not, because if you're well off enough, mentally or materially, then you must be adept at designing your own world or little corner of the earth.
How can you define prepppy as you have when just one adjective, like artsy, can just falsify all that you defined as preppy.
by D April 9, 2005
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A true Prep would not be caught dead in brands like abrecrombie and fitch and especially never in burberry. if the brand of your clothes is obvious from farther than 10 feet away then you are not a prep.
I know that Besty thinks that telling everyone to call her Bisty and wearing a collared shirt and pearls will make her a true Prep but honestly the burberry pattern on the shirt and the size of those pearls are disgusting and lessen the reputation of subly that true Preps have.
by Prepster June 3, 2004
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Preps are not sluts that wear Abercrombie polo's with there stomachs hanging out. Preps follow a classic look that was started by Ralph Lauren, Renne Lacoste, and Lilly Pulitzer. Preps wear polo's with popped colors. POLOS DO DONT INCLUDE ABERCROMBIE ONES! The most common brands include, Ralph lauren, Lilly, Lacoste, J Crew. There spring and summer pants shorts clam diggers and bramuda's have classic embroideries of beach umbrellas, whales, bows, or just bright colors. They have money, and they just like to be classic. They usually wear 7 for all man kinds, Ms Sixty, juicy Couture, and Hudson jeans. They wear ribbon belts with bright colors or classic tiole designs, or regular leather belts.You cant forget the hair acsessories. Colorfull Bows for the hair when its up in a pony tail or down as a head band....Dont think of Preppy as a sterotype...its a style of cloting not a personality...its not like goth..you cant dress it and listen to the style music...its just a way of dress...DONT BE HATIN' REPRESENT...lol..
omg...that girls outfit is soo preppy couture...i heart it
by magenta xx April 20, 2006
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someone that has accualy been to prep school...
New Canaan, Darien, Greenwhich and all these othertowns think there preppy and yet have of the kids have never seen a prep school let alone go to one
by a pretty dirt kid October 24, 2005
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