people who have recently acquired money and feel the need to show it off by purchasing flashy houses, cars, clothing and jewelry. Generally tacky.
I hate how new money our neighbors are, they think that it's necessary to have 5 BMW's just because they can now afford it and their 10 year old daugher has a prada bag... JUST BECAUSE...
by Rachel March 3, 2005
The first definition says "The opposite of Paris Hilton"
I would like to correct that. Paris Hilton is new money, as her father made a big amount of money in little time. Her father. She is by no means old money.
A perfect example of an old money family is the Vanderbilt family.
New money is characterised by SUVs, Dolce & Gabanna, Juicy Couture...
New money individuals are looked down upon by old money individuals. However, the biggest snobs are new money as they haven't received a proper education and don't have manners, so they become unbearable people.
I would like to correct that. Paris Hilton is new money, as her father made a big amount of money in little time. Her father. She is by no means old money.
A perfect example of an old money family is the Vanderbilt family.
New money is characterised by SUVs, Dolce & Gabanna, Juicy Couture...
New money individuals are looked down upon by old money individuals. However, the biggest snobs are new money as they haven't received a proper education and don't have manners, so they become unbearable people.
Jenny (new money): Oh my god, look at that girl, what is she wearing! Someone get her a trash can, hahahah. Where is my Gucci?
Selena (old money) (thinking): What an attitude.
Selena (old money) (thinking): What an attitude.
by fromnh June 2, 2010
Someone who is rich but does not come from a weathly background or family history.
The opposite of Paris Hilton.
The opposite of Paris Hilton.
by beaver clipper November 20, 2004
Within three generations, new money will become aristocracy as a general rule. Marriage into upper classes will make it two generations.
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 30, 2004
by aug706-boi October 15, 2007
New Money is a term for people who made or earned their wealth on their own accord, they were not born into a wealthy family or grew up in wealthy culture. Sometimes used disparagingly by Old Money, in reference to the lack of refinement or sophistication of New Money people.
People who are new money are generally unfamiliar with the "culture of wealth" in America. They may spend their money on different things and associate with a more diverse crowd (other New Money), as opposed to Old Money. Examples of new money would be all these high-tech start-up guys who are fresh out of college, compared to Old Money individuals, who's wealth comes from a variety of inlets and may be recognizable by family name (i.e. the Hiltons, the Kennedys).
People who are new money are generally unfamiliar with the "culture of wealth" in America. They may spend their money on different things and associate with a more diverse crowd (other New Money), as opposed to Old Money. Examples of new money would be all these high-tech start-up guys who are fresh out of college, compared to Old Money individuals, who's wealth comes from a variety of inlets and may be recognizable by family name (i.e. the Hiltons, the Kennedys).
We don't associate with Scott and his family, they are new money and don't share the same values as us.
by Malakai Goldberg December 19, 2008
An individual who brings something different to the norm. Usually with regards to business. A revoulutionary business person. Ceases to stagnate.
"They call me new money, it don't get no fresher, I used to wear pradas and avirex leathers. Now its '06, i'm getting older now i'm finding it harder to blend in in crowds"
by Obi Oburota December 22, 2006