term used in Canadian navy to define a female.
I was out with a real tiddly party last night.

The party I was with got hammered and passed out, so I decided to put the moves on her sister.
by Stoney Burke January 28, 2005
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D n E partying getting shitcanned and gettin stds wrecking cars or fucking nasty bitches
Wes and all his friends went to The Starting Line and got drunk off their ass. As they were driving back he decided to do cookies and crashed into the railing of a concrete island in a parking lot and two of his friends hauled asds so they didnt get in trouble but they did anyway and the other bitch in the car went to jail......true story.

Teresa went to The Starting Line and some guys got her drunk. She ended up slipping something in one of there drinks and taking one home needless to say she was 40.... kids these days

Another example get a girl from ur college town to visit your college town think you have something but say fuck it cuz one of the other girls will tell you if you got somethin....
by E......l November 2, 2004
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Deriving from the base word "part", "party" is a term for a large social gathering in celebration of a live sacrifice. It is named "party" because it is a time where a soul parts from a body.

The party was unsuccessful because Billy can't tie a rope correctly.
by Franky V April 2, 2006
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the act of having a crunk nasty time with crunk nasty people.
So..what are you doing later?
I'm going to party.
Mhmm its pretty Schibby actually.
by schibbanator. September 6, 2008
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Any event with 5 plus people that involves Nikki. An event that doesn't involve Nikki, would definitely not be a party.
Max thinks that he's attending a party, but Nikki isn't there, so he's not actually at a party.
by Moi November 12, 2004
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A Gathering or Event that, usually pertains to a celebration of a success or holiday (or just for fun when your parents are out of town)
Hey! Did you see that wicked party last night?
by sammyvsparks February 1, 2016
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Something that has tendencies to be cool or fun, like a party. Similar to something being the tits or being pretty awesome
Anchorman is so god-damn party.

I just got slapped by a baboon....Party!
by Partytimes1 October 25, 2010
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