this website is meant for UNIVERSITIES and COLLEGES.

it's not meant for fucking ninth graders, or anyone in high school for that matter..
high school kid #1: ahhhhh! facebook is so addictive!!!
high school kid #2: HEHE i know i LOVE it!!!!!!!
university student: Oh god.. what fucking losers. these kids should just stay on myspace.
by poo... November 16, 2006
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verb: The act of looking at one's facebook profile to find out more information about them.
ex. 1)
Sally: That guy is so hot!
Maggie: I wonder if he's single...
Sally: I don't know, let's facebook him!

ex. 2)
Kaily: I heard Shannon and Jeff broke up last night!
Jessie: Really?! Where did you hear that?!
Kaily: well, I was facebooking him last night and I saw it on his mini-feed.
by kkeellsseeyy April 17, 2007
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A place where people talk to friends and play virtual games. A total place to waste your life.

250th definition!
May 5, 2007: *on FaceBook*

April 21, 2012: *still on FaceBook*

School: *sneaking on FaceBook on my smartphone*
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1.facebook is an addictive website for young teens to mind fuck each other through drama and screwing people over and/or a website for nerds to play stupid games

2. facebook is a website to get to know people you dont know and learn to hate people but it is fun to go on it is addictive though
1.hay man i met jennet on facebook and she is a drama

2. dude i cant stay off of facebook book its to addicting!!
by Emma55 June 20, 2011
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A internet jail where; you waste time, sit on your butt, write on walls, && poke random people!
Teacher: Why didnt you finish your homework.
Student: Because i was on facebook!
by lalagirl465 January 26, 2011
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When your mad at someone and you hit them in the face with a book
by the buyt November 12, 2014
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To spread one's asscheeks and close them on someone's nose while they are sleeping.
My boy Tre facebooked my roomate Adrian while he sleeping.
by Lordter June 27, 2012
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