Another imaginary award give to someone when they've done something good or benefiting, but not necessarily noteworthy.
"Tommy dried the dishes, let me get that boy a cookie!"

"The slow driver got out of the left-lane. I need to give her a cookie."
by SM Jordan October 14, 2004
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When on the phone, 'cookies' is a way to ask the other person if there are any listeners. This indicates that something is about to be said that should be kept under wraps. Used on land line phones to normally avoid, parents, siblings, co-workers, etc.
Person 1: Man! You should've been there last night, I was......wait, cookies?

Person 2: *looks around, looks at phone* Nah, you're good

Person 1: So I was with this babe in Vegas right,.......
by ulivefor1 August 16, 2011
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Mary cooked a dozen cookies for her book club guests. Cookie delicious treat food edible yummy desert
by Ronnoc527 June 29, 2015
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Something that is so good, that you should keep it away from others and don't let anyone touch it.
ie: virginity, a really cool toy, etc.
Now you see what happens when you let someone mess with your cookie.
by Me April 1, 2004
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A girl, especially a very good looking one, who is thinks is the center of the universe. Typically containing or possessing the following qualities.
1. A great sense of humor.
2. A smile that melts hearts.
3. Sweet Smelling.
4. A great body.
5. Extreme Intelligence.
Damn, you check out Cookie today? Yo I've been sweatin her since the way...who L?
by Marty November 3, 2003
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