This is merely an exercise, not a sexual act in any way, it does not have any homosexual connotation at all. This is simply an ingenious way of doing calf raises. The calf raiser, or bull, will bend over with his armpits resting on a weight bar without weights on a flat bench. Then the spotter, or rider, will mount the calf raiser and straddle him directly above the buttocks. He will then lock his legs around the other mans lower torso. Then he places his hands on his hips and prepares to ride, in a completely heterosexual way. The Calf raiser will then begin to do calf raises with his partner as the weight. The partner will need to move his hips in a rythmic fasion in order to maintain balance while riding. He may opt to place both hands behind his head to change the muscle groups worked while he tries to maintain his balance. This is thought to be much more effective than the numerous machines made for this specific exercise that can have the weight adjusted with ease. It is a great workout and a great way to meet other completely heterosexual males with similar interests.
Guy #1: Hey I watched you drip dry in the shower today, you're gluts are awesome.
Guy #2: Yeah, thanks!
Guy #1: But you're calves could use a workout, maybe I could help you with that, how 'bout some Brokeback Bucca calf raises tomorrow?
Guy #2: You're on...right on.
by Sgt. Montechristo October 2, 2007
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Similar to Netflix and chill, but specifically referring to a same-sex male hookup while Netflix is on in the background.
Jake: Hey Caleb, you wanna Brokeback and Chill?
Caleb: I wish I knew how to quit you. See you in 10 minutes!
by Joey Freshwater February 17, 2016
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A man who appears to be rugged and manly on the surface. A male expected to be straight yet you find out hes really a homosexual. Good at hiding feminine traits.
Wow, can you beleive it.. who would of ever known Rehmeyer was a brokeback mountaineer.
by dvm January 27, 2008
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1) When you get so horney that you would have sex with anything. Mostly relating to homosexual tendencies.
Dude, I am about to have a brokeback attack if I don't get some ass soon.
by Stinky McSack February 21, 2006
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Refers to the situation of Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist in the movie and short story by Annie Proulx, but taken to an extreme. Describes a man married to a woman who sleeps around with other men. But sleeps around...a lot.
"Tom's turned into a brokeback slut. He slept with some dude last night and the night before, it was some other dude. His wife will eventually figure it out!"
by Somnberg Sloe March 25, 2007
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The place where all brokeback fellas, take their partners
for tube steak
Jimmi and I are going to the Brokeback Steakhouse
wanna cum ?....
by squirtdonkeys December 17, 2006
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A test done to check whether someone claiming to go fishing has actually gone fishing or if they are having an illicit gay love affair. Simply place a note on the end of their fishing pole asking them to bring back some fish. If they do, the test is negative. If the note is still there at the end of the trip, it is positive. They've been to Brokeback.
"Hey, Dad's been going fishing a lot lately with his friend from work. Do you think something's going on?"

"I don't know. Better do a Brokeback Check."
by L & S October 8, 2007
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