"Why do worms crawl out the dirt ehen they know they're just gonna dry up and turn into worm bacon? "
by Mooderator May 11, 2016
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To cut a hole through a book with large girth, then insert your penis into it and go to town.
Yesterday I went to the library and saw two guys doing The Book Worm.
by The T.V Dinner May 19, 2015
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Steering a van with your dick while dancing behind the wheel.
This is my favorite song, I might have to make a worm spin
by RustyPWhole June 7, 2018
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When you pull out after anal and wipe it off on her ass
Well if you cleaned it out beforehand I wouldn't have had to give you a worm trail
by Worm_man May 10, 2023
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When one grabs the top of their worm and proceeds to dip the worm in a series of spices or herbs to create a burning sensation.
by DankersFarelski November 22, 2021
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When a dude is doing well is tricked into saying something out of character because some little ring worm just blamed the black people for crimes he committed against the dude cos he’s a scum bag moron who just hates good people
Bro I’m gonna take a cyanide tablet because this little turd Burgular won’t stop destroying my life with his personal vendetta against people who party and fuck chicks for a job because he just pulled another fucking Kramer worm move on me for no reason just because I was gonna get laid and get paid bro fuck him
by Hectic Mooslie October 8, 2023
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