Where yolks are made
It was a long week, so I parked up the V8 at the egg farm and fucked off home
by Rubber duck 10 4 June 18, 2022
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When a landlord takes money from tenant’s deposits every time they let it out, but never use the money to actually fix or replace the thing it’s for. Often the damage being charged for is more like fair wear and tear, or was a problem before the tenants even moved in.
My landlord took our deposit to replace the carpet that was stained when we arrived. I know the next tenants and when I went to visit them, the stain was still there. Seems like they were just deposit farming.
by ‘Ol snakeeyes December 26, 2019
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1) A badass hot woman that actually runs the show on the farm
2) A hot farm girl that uses her charm and looks to get what she wants
3)the opposite of a barn boss
The Farm Fatale told the Barn Boss she was getting a new horse.

When I asked who ran the farm they pointed to the good looking woman. Then I knew she was a farm Fatal.
by FarmerMark82 April 28, 2020
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(N) – When two {Friend Mine}s unite in marriage to create a large resource of friends.
When Jason and Heather got married, the joining of their friend mines created a friend farm for upfriending.
by gambler325 June 16, 2016
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To get so drunk that you shit in your or your girlfriend's bra and then throw it up a tree, lamppost, aerial etc.
I got so shit faced last night I did a worthy farm at my girlfriend's parents house, to say she was displeased was an understatement.
by Oz10expl June 30, 2022
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Mass production of individual resources by group of individuals to benefit the whole of the group
I use hyper farming so I don't get tile hit
by GOB5855 June 15, 2016
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The best primary in the world, if you’d want your child to excel in life, bring them to this school!
Yooo! your kid goes Welsh House Farm? They’re going to be smart as hell!”
by TheGold5NChilD October 10, 2021
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