A term used to describe when a male has successfully pulled your girlfriend/girl you have your eye on or girl you have already been chatting up. Can often result in small scale dancefloor fights between friends or strangers.
Dan, you have just been sharked by will, big time.
by The Finster chief May 22, 2007
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VERB {male}: To inadvertently or purposefully poke a partner in the side/butt/etc. with an erect penis while sleeping next to them.
No, no, no! YOU be the little spoon tonight, dear. If you shark me awake again, I'll smack you square in the fin, savvy?
by schroedersoul May 6, 2009
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Guys who are devoted to persuing the oppostie sex. They are always on the prowl and scoppin new prey. Doesn't matter age if you look good to a shark your getting hunted. As soon as you are in view of a shark your fair game. Doesn't matter if you have a boyfriend, we'll tell you about our math test, something to cheat on. The way sharks hunt is beautiful and majestic. Fins up sharks. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP
Shark 1: Dude what happened last night? I lost you at that party.
Shark 2: Sorry man, I was sharking.
Shark 1: Man we are always sharking. So how was that blonde you were talking too
Shark 2: She's alright her friends a better kisser.
by OriginalShark November 24, 2011
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"When you choose a career in law, you'll hear jokes that some lawyers are shark. At first don't be pissed, because truth be told, only some lawyers are sharks. Because the rest, are chums."
by Mr whiskers 2 October 4, 2012
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The act of keeping yourself moving or busy in order to stay awake and alert when you're very tired: Just as a shark needs to keep moving to keep breathing, you need to keep moving to stay awake and alert - otherwise you would go quiet and start to droop and slouch as tiredness sets in. Thrashing onwards like a shark will fight off the tiredness.
"I've been sharking all day today. I'm so tired but it had to be done."

"I sharked for the entire day today! I really hope I can get to sleep earlier tonight...."

"Sharking is hard. I'm tired. Someone slap me, please."
by SharkingForTheWin January 27, 2014
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A term that describes tirelessly trying to hit on someone who is either drunk, or recently gotten out of a relationship.
A: Did you hear that Adam and Laura broke up?
B: Yeah, and now Tom won't leave her alone!
A: Aw, man. He's definitely sharking. We should warn her.
by thelobotomist April 30, 2011
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To have something stolen or taken from you.
1. She just sharked my beer.

2. He sharked my girl!
by BeEazzzy July 12, 2009
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