Really cheap,shitty gin that tastes like sewerage
Boomerang gin is what them broke ass bitches drink
by 2121212122 February 18, 2018
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derogatory term for people of australian descent
"some australian bitch knocked my drink out of my hand and caused the glass to shatter on the ground next to my foot"

'did you call her a boomerang chucker afterwards?'
by Lord Wilk May 21, 2008
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a penis that curves to the left, to the right, up, or down.
He has a boomerang wang so it hits the right spot every time!
by jaw breaker May 26, 2008
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A guy's term for girls who "come around" when they need em, then let em go do their own thing for a while.
Hey G Thom, What's with Sandee?

She's cute and all, but for now, she's just a boomerang chick
by G Thom forever February 28, 2011
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a bitch that just won't go away and no matter how many times u tell him/her that u don't fuckin like him/her, he/she will continue to bother u

an ex-girlfriend that acts like a boomerang no matter how many times u throw her away she keeps comming back (can also be an ex-boyfriend)

A random insult that u can call your friends or not-friends
guy 1- man I always talk shit to that dude but he never goes away
guy 2- I know he's a fuckin boomerang bitch

Shawn- I broke up with that boomerang bitch stacy a long ass time ago
Steve- yeah doesn't she still call u?

Zach- hey fag
Roman- fuck u boomerang bitch
Zach- WTF?
by Rey cmc August 11, 2008
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1.) A type of insult that unexpectedly hurls itself back upon its foolish owner and blasts his/her ego into tiny shards of humility and disgrace.

2.) The boomerang "Insult" used by the 18th century Australian aborigine Chief Brucedingo to physically attack, rather than verbally assail, rapscallions.
1.) Brother 1: "You're mother's so stupid, she called you a son of a bitch!"
Brother 2: "You dick-brain, we have the same mom."

2.) Guy 1: "If you were twice as smart as I am, you'd still be stupid."
Guy 2: "..... You're a fucking idiot.. Use that tiny brain of yours better before you hurl another Boomerang Insult."

3.) Idiot: "You’re so stupid you tried to put alphabet soup in alphabetical order!"
Sage: "Yeah. It worked."
Idiot: "..."
Sage: "Sigh, another Boomerang Insult from you today. Well done!"

4.) Rapscallion: "Strewth! That fuckeroo just hit me noggin with a boom-er-ang!"
Aussie: "Consider yourself lucky mate. That was the legendary Brucedingo!"
by aeop June 28, 2011
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A female that will continue to come back to you no matter what you do or say , she'll leave momentarily but she always come back just like a boomerang
by Urbanlegit June 19, 2019
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