The awesomest subliminal message ever. Found in Weird Al's Nature Trail to Hell.
Joe: Dude, wanna know something?
John: What?
Joe: Satan eats Cheese Whiz.
by I EAT PUPPIES February 16, 2006
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$20.00 CAD. It's a Canadian term derived from the apparent price of a large jar of Cheez Whiz in the Canadian territory of Nunavut. The price was jacked up so high because of how expensive it was for Kraft to export their products to Nunavut.

Somehow, the term eventually reached southern Canada, and Canadians found it humorous how much Cheez Whiz costs up north, so much so that they started using it as a synonym for $20, even after the price of Cheez Whiz went back down. People commonly put the blame on certain documentaries made around the time about the standard of living in Nunavut, many of which commented on the price of Cheez Whiz.

Its proper name would actually be a Nunavummiuq Cheez Whiz, as that's the proper demonym for Nunavut, but people are either too lazy or too stupid to figure out how that word is pronounced, so in common speech it's just referred to as a "Cheez Whiz," leaving in the dark everybody who is unaware of this obscure slang.
"Dude, be careful with that, it's gotta be worth at least one hundred Canadian Cheez Whiz."

"That comes to 2 Nunavummiuq Cheez Whiz, eh?"
by 2kfm3 January 30, 2010
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a spread to put on toast made of the oozing puss from acne
mmmmmm , i just love my zit-whiz on toast in the morning
by santa kloz March 3, 2008
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The foreshadowing of the themes in Blumhouse's Truth or Dare really ladled on the cheese whiz.
by The Flopcat October 17, 2018
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bees wax, business, the inside scoop, just a funny phrase used to describe a weird situation's business.
1: "did you hear about how Stacy ralphed in the punch bowl at Todd's party last weekend?"

2: "nah bro, but that sounds like some serious cheez whiz."
1: "hey, what are you doing? you look super concentrated."
2: "i'm re-establishing communism, mind your own cheez whiz."
by Stereotypical Bassist #06 January 3, 2022
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Was that a whistle? Or a G-Whiz?
by Android Attack June 3, 2017
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the act of of cleaning the inside of a toilet bowl from lingering feces by direct urination in subsequent visits to the restroom.
Alan: I took a huge dump this morning that one flush couldn't quite erase. Luckily a whiz clean rectified the problem before my guests arrived.

William: I need to make new friends.
by daemonbellum April 16, 2010
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