That kid over there he's such a Toby is so fucking stupid and unattractive.
by FUCKMEJOEY August 4, 2017
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Another name for a wet, tidy pussy.
"I went home with Fiona last night, all I can say is she has one nice Toby!"

"I went in expecting her Bella, but I couldn't pass up her Toby!!!!"
by Flowy November 5, 2014
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A Toby is a insect, usually found in the back garden. The term, Toby, can also be used be used for a person who is sexually frustrated, and is usually extremely unpopular. To be Tobyish, is to be frigid, slow and extremely awkward.
-I saw a guy yesterday, totally Tobyish who was walking down the street, screaming "will you go out with me?!?" to every person he saw!

-What a Toby!

by the sexinator October 11, 2007
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Toby is someone who is fake, an asshole, and full of themself. He really thinks that he is cool and that everyone loves him. He is a dick.
Josh: Hey wtf why did you pull a toby on gracie?
Kent: Yeah i feel bad unlike toby.
by urbandictionarylmao May 13, 2015
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A regional Northeastern US / Canada term that indicates a person with an unclear gender. Possibly a hermaphrodite.
"Is that a girl or a dude?"
"No idea. It's a Toby I guess"
by Alfonso Salazar Jr. October 16, 2013
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Toby was the dog in the Punch and Judy
shows, popular in England in the 19th century. Some members of the British public thought such shows were immoral but they were strongly defended by Charles Dickens
What a load of codswallop, imagine audiences paying the sort of money they are charged for entertainment today going to a Punch and Judy show to hear such lines, written for Toby, as " (snarl) arr, arr " or " Bow, wow, wow "
by Criostoir Hulme September 2, 2005
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1. A wet dog.
2. A disgusting smell.
3. A person that lives like a wet smelly dog.
That smells like a Toby
by Caliber44 June 15, 2009
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