The anti-spam screensaver from Lycos UK. It's illegal to operate in many places, because it commits DDoS attacks. Any reputable ISP would cancel your Internet account for using it, as well.
The Make Love Not Spam screensaver uses your computer's idle time to commit Distributed Denial of Service attacks against spammers' servers, so the spammers are retaliating with DDoS attacks against the server that offers the screensaver download.
by Downstrike December 1, 2004
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When sex goes to hire a PR firm
Clara: We were making love....
Friend: Cut the crap and why don't you say you were having sex
by Unwashed_Jeans August 27, 2017
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when a performer, singer, dj, or radio host really knows how to use a microphone for their good and the audience.

when a dj or singer really engages with the audience using the microphone.
man that DJ was making love to the mic tonight!

Hey DJ Raw whats you got for us tonight?
I got some real juice for you, and you know me Im going to be making love to the mic!

man she can really sing, ya she was making love to the mic for sure!
by frankie frank August 23, 2009
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When at least two people are smoking marijuana from a pipe or spliff, and someone in the rotation is talking or just wasting time that can be used to smoke or practice karate. This terrible act is rewarded by a swift kick in the testicles or a slap to the mouth.
When the pipe got to him, he started Making Love To The Thing, so we had to take it away from him and give him a nice slap.
by Mr.337 August 28, 2009
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The need to thrust your hips towards an imaginary figure of air while giving everyone seductive eyes and a curling of the upper lip.
The night was going great, especially when Jorge clenched his fists and began making love to reality on the dance floor.
by swaysnicks December 18, 2009
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A bullshit hippy catchphrase trying to get people to fuck their wives instead of killing people. Obviously, these people are unaware that there are plenty of prostitutes in wherever the war is occuring, willing to give sucky sucky for as little as ten dolla, or even five dolla. The hookers are better because they love you long time, unless you are muy beau coup.

I started an arguement somewhere in here and forgot what the fuck I was talking about.
by Gumba Gumba April 12, 2004
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