396 definitions by Downstrike

(fiction) One-of-kind starship, shaped like an extremely large white running shoe, powered by the Infinite Improbability Drive.
At the heart of the Heart Of Gold is a heart of gold.
by Downstrike May 19, 2004
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To fly, you'll need to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Difficulty arises because if one is truly trying properly to throw themselves at the ground and fails to miss, chances are that one will fail to miss the ground quite hard.
by Downstrike May 24, 2004
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Entirely too many duh-weebs click Confirm when they should Cancel. Proofreading is an alien concept to them.
by Downstrike December 2, 2004
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N00b slang for the alt attribute of the HTML img tag. Usage indicates a probability that the person speaking doesn't know the difference between a tag and an attribute.
When people get persnickety with me, saying that my NiDEs don't have Alt tags, I get persnickety back at them, and tell them there's no such thing as an Alt tag, and that I'm not an SEO spammer, so I don't put alt attributes in NiDEs.
by Downstrike May 21, 2006
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Shortened form of quadraphonic, which is what surround sound was called before it went out of style in the 70s.
You should have heard Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here in quad!
by Downstrike September 13, 2004
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One who is called a nerd for his prowess with technology rather than for being a dork.
We need a techno-nerd to program this.
by Downstrike May 27, 2004
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The ultimate negative description and insult of the late 60s and early 70s, man!
The court hereby sentences you to 30 days in the county jail.
Aw, that just ain't cool, man!

Get the hell off my ranch, you chicken thief!
You just ain't cool, you dig?
by Downstrike October 16, 2004
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