Willy Wonka is my daddy. He can ❤️rail❤️ me. I love him, he’s so hot😭
Who’s the best chocolate maker?
That’s willy wonka😈 ofc
by Leoswhore September 7, 2020
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The act of getting extremely hammered, not knowing where you are and wandering the streets
jim: hey dude where are you?

matt: i dont know man im willy wonka drunk
by tge88 February 5, 2010
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A 1971 movie that stars Gene Wilder who plays the character of Willy Wonka a candy maker who is in search of an heir to his factory and fortune. He hosts a compitition by placing five golden tickets under five wonka bars.This was remade in 2005 staring Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka
I found a golden ticket and I am going to Willy Wonka's factory
by Trevor M??? July 22, 2005
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Originally a book, made into two movies. The most recent one (starring Johnny Depp) is way off, but still pretty awesome and funny. It explains the history of Willy Wonka and has a better ending.
The book was full of imagination, candy, dreams and chocolate. It was missing stomach aches, cavities, and diabetes though.

But in all the movies may just be a selfless promotion for Wonka candy such as nerds, sweet Tarts, etc.
"Everything in this room is eatable, even I'm eatable. But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in many societies." -Willy Wonka (In the new movie 2005)
by Twiki July 22, 2005
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To jerk your penis in a ferocious way with a soft object like a hand that has been washed with lotion.
"Dude I heard Joey fazoodled his willy wonka yesterday, that was disgusting."

"Do you fazoodle your willy wonka at night?" Daniel Asked.
by Wildlink123 March 21, 2014
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when a woman gives a man the privilage of entering the "chocolate factory", she's given him willy wonka's golden ticket.
the other night, i finally succumed to my curiousity and gave aaron willy wonka's golden ticket.
by avivo March 31, 2006
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When you give a girl 12 ounces of horse laxatives and proceed to fuck her anally while a bursting stream of doo-doo water squirts out her ass at the speed of sound. (Usually lasting a couple hours)
Example: Yo I turned Sarah into a Willy Wonka Squirt Machine last night and now our walls are 5 shades darker.
by kangkai da king December 6, 2019
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