"Becky left me to do this thing all by myself, im bored, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
by look in the tags November 21, 2018
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Person 1: Hey can you define I'm Bored for me?
Person 2: Go fuck yourself
by Octyn July 20, 2022
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Words uttered by an individual when they are experiencing the feeling of being too much of a lazy shit. Perhaps if this person would get off Urban Dictionary ffs and their slimy ass, and actually touched grass, then they would be magically cured of their boredom. Yes, I'm talking about you. Yes, this is a self-callout. Go sniff the sun instead of your ass, you fruitbat vampire fuck.
Kylie: I'm so boreddd.
Weslie: Go fuck yourself.
by Where'd mah dad go? October 9, 2023
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Just you wait and see…nothing’s gonna happen this year… I’ll just be waiting for nothing…

It’s gonna be another boring shitty year … I hate the world today.

I wish something big would happen… maybe WW3 or a gigantic stock market crash
This year is another boring one
by Death Menace February 21, 2023
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When one uses the phrase bored as the Dickens, they are describing what it's like to be so bored that you are bored enough to write a bunch of famous fictional novels.
Person 1(the jester):"Hey you there are you bored too? What shall we do?"
Person 2 (the very bored very pretentious Prince):"Yes I'm very bored, bored as the Dickens. Charles Dickens that is..."
1:"GEEZ MAN! Now that's bored! What do you suppose we do about it?"
2: "I dunno cuz I'm not quite creative enough to write a bunch of novels about Christmas and ish..."
Long pause...
2: "Dont just stand there staring at me! I order you to start singing and dancing! and tell me a story in your songs too damnit!"
by AmbularityHASyourCLARITY November 18, 2020
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You looked up vbghtycnfjruxndkeizmsleoapwq and you saw this word lit up in blue.
Person 1: hey dude habe you looked up vbghtycnfjruxndkeizmsleoapwq?
Person2: yeah, and I saw BORED OUT OF YOUR GOURDS was lit up.
by PencilRC1 March 13, 2022