1. Similar to a blowjob, but more pleasurable to the ass clown giving it than to the Boofer getting it.
2. Also know as "gobbling" one's stuff...
"Darren is an ass clown, but he gives great hummers", said Jace.
by Roger February 26, 2003
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a word used to say homo but commonly used around homos so they dont see you makeing fun of them
hey josh you see that kid, hes such a hummer
by brandon baum January 7, 2005
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synonym for 'pussy magnet'
by quaaah May 5, 2010
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1.The act of a giving a male a blowjob.
2.A type of SUV
Carol gave a hummer to Max for a Hummer.
by William Chan October 22, 2003
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a popular term for oral sex used mainly in the '70s
"the reason my pants were down at the scene of the car accident was because she was giving me a hummer while I drove."
by andrew February 14, 2005
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The best car in the world; cna turn any car into into a speed bump, except excursions.
Hey, will ya' look at that, I have a neon convertable stuck in my hummer's tire!
by Jiub May 25, 2003
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