This phrase is used to describe someone that has grown a third nipple and is embarrassed by it.
Thomas Peacock is a Trippi Nippi.
by TrippiNippiIsTomPeacock October 31, 2017
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its chilly or random word to say when your pissed or happy
its nippy noodle

or you stupid nippy noodle
by billy bob hoe11 September 3, 2019
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a girl who accepts everyone and loves herself NO MATTER WHAT, she doesn't give a fuck but is also the nicest person. SHe wildin.
nippy hippy gal
by sailingcrew April 5, 2017
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nippy cash

Nippy cash isn’t the best wing back in Ireland. He busts up glen knackers for fun.
Hogie says nippy cash doesn’t pass.

Nippy cash says Alri bud we get it bai.

Sausage:Who is nippy cash?
Man like Dugga:Nippy cash is a wing back and will bust your gob watch it ked.
Sausage:sorry bai

Nippy cash: that’s something nippy cash would do
Nippy cash is in the best position what do you mean I bet you ask.Its just a fact he is in the best position
by Duggie February 1, 2019
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...the jibing associated with the exposure of the nipple, including the nipple areolar complex (NAC), the result of an uptight society's discomfiture with the breast in general and the NAC in particular... nippy shame can be said repeatedly while crossing one index finger in a right angle over the other and pushing the upper finger away from the dorsum of the hand... upon seeing a nipple -> nippy shame, nippy shame, nippy shame, ...
At a party, the hostess dives into the pool and comes up out of the water, her bikini top askew. With her right (or left) nipple areolar complex exposed several party goers start chanting "nippy shame" as they cross their index fingers and rub them as if they are trying to start a fire...
by awdwagon September 28, 2013
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A word to describe the temperature of the room being somewhere in-between "t-shirt warm" and f*%king freezing!

Derived from an Olde English saying, where they would use the word to describe a ladies nipples becoming erect and visible through her garments
"bbrrrrrr it's so nippy outside tonight, I could cut through steel with these nipples!"
by Ema_words April 20, 2020
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Come from nipple
Make the nipples erect. As pock on the tshirt. We use as the why or what is make it.
Expl to describe cold.
Outside is nippy
Water is nippy


- The situation is make me nippy
Like can be sexy. Or just simple crepy.

- Is it me? Or that place (abandoned, disguasting room) a littlebit nippy.

Lot of times we use ironic way.
by At44411 August 5, 2018
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