The networking power of Facebook and related Internet social networking institutes that facilitates revolutions in the mid-east nations and elsewhere.
What enabled the revolution in Egypt?
Blame it on the Facebook Factor!
by Techrex March 27, 2011
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(n.) A term that describes the survivability of a person in any sort of accident.
It refers to the apparent knack that usually undesirable people of questionable social worth (alcoholics, drug addicts, gangsters, so on) have for surviving insane injuries or crashes. Conversely, it also describes the apparent fragility of those who do contribute remarkably to our society (organ donors, doctors, charitable people, so on).
A drunk driver can ram his car into a brick wall at 100 miles per hour and completely smash his car to smithereens with only minor injuries, cuz' of his high cockroach factor.

At the same time, if a doctor were to slip and fall in his/her bathroom, he/she may be in grave danger, because of his/her low cockroach factor.
by lesee June 9, 2009
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The degree to which a girl is a frump, or the amount by which an otherwise attractive girl has reduced her attractiveness by gaining weight, dressing sloppy or not wearing makeup or doing her hair.
She was really cute, but sometimes she didn't look that great because she would dial up the frump factor by wearing big loose sweatshirts and ratty jeans.
by PMax March 9, 2008
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The degree in which an act or behaviour is defined, in regards to its level of 'creepiness'. Does not necessairly refer to outright disgust and repulsion. But more along the deviation, of social norms and sensibilities.
"I saw dude macking on his stepsister. That's got a creep factor of ten!"
by D. Gould February 1, 2006
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The Bruce Factor: The amount of friends you have is directly proportional to how slutty one can be.

The more friends you have, the more promiscuous you can be without people hating on you.
This girl has no friends but sucks everyone's dick. No one really likes her.

One would do well to heed the Bruce Factor.
by Didier Drogbro April 13, 2011
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The number of times your ass leaves or touches a seat for any given activity. Useful for evaluating the relative effort required between two activities, especially when one activity involves someone else doing the work.
If I eat the cold pizza in the fridge, that's an ass factor of 2 (ass leaves couch, get pizza, ass touches seat), whereas going to Burger King is an ass factor of 4 (ass leaves couch, touches car seat, leaves car seat and then touches couch).

If I get up and get a beer, that's an ass fact or of 2. If you get it for me, that's an ass factor of 0.
by Pancreas100 March 8, 2009
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A term associated with one's ability to care about a certain situation.
Kiss ass: "Ray, my supervisor said that those reports you did will have to be resubmitted for approval."

Ray: "My Care Factor reads 3 point 2."
by yellercap May 13, 2005
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