by a.k.a.ben September 15, 2009
Track 3 from the NIN album "Year Zero". It has a runtime of 4:23. There are two versions of the music video, the censored version and the uncensored version. The censored version censors out any offensive tv screens in the music video.
by Xtreme2252 August 13, 2009
1: An adventure that you must protect yourself form harm object's
2:Keep yourself alive
Well that's it...
2:Keep yourself alive
Well that's it...
by Lieik September 16, 2015
by Rattlesnake survives August 2, 2018
by MLB lover 2020 February 28, 2019
by RHS scientist May 13, 2019
What you have no chance of doing if your base belong to CATS, an intergallactic Nazi with a heart of gold.
If you have no chance of doing this, then you must make your time.
If you have no chance of doing this, then you must make your time.
by Tookar April 14, 2005