(Noun) A penis shaped in a zig zag usually caused by having anal sex with a panda with hemroids.
For my birthday, your sister gave me a ziggy-ziggy-ding-dong!!!
by Nick "Flash Flood" October 9, 2007
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a son of Bob Marley who is a reggae superstar in his own right. He performed with his brother Stephen and 2 sisters in the Melody Makers in the 20th century and now is on his own, as is all the other Melody Makers. He is true to his legendary father's legacy.
I saw Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers as an opening act for the B-52s in 1990, as an opener for Midnight Oil in 1993 and as a headlining act in 1998. It was great Caribbean rock'n'roll and good vibes each time. See Ziggy Marley for top-quality reggae.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice November 18, 2006
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david bowie's alter image who was infulenced by iggy pop
by a punk September 25, 2003
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Really really bad luck. Shit luck. The worst luck possible.

Bad luck that can actually lead to death; by dehydration, famish, or cow falling out of the sky.

Bad luck that follows one around his entire life.
Shit man I cant believe Dean's parents burnt down his room. What Ziggy luck!!!

I cant believe I lost a 400 million dollar winning lottery ticket. Its because of my fucking Ziggy luck!!!!

Dude did you hear everyone survived the plane crash, except for one guy who had insane Ziggy luck. His luggage fell on his head after the plane was successfully landed and killed him!!!
by Kesta12003 June 7, 2009
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A Dirty Ziggy is the Type of Ziggy to constantly make sexual innuendos and tends to stay single but has still has a good heart and no filter.
by ZagZig101582 February 23, 2019
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Code word for pizza used at parties by drunken people trying to disguise what they are about to consume to avoid other hungry people from eating their newly found treasure.
"DUDE, we gotta check on that Ziggy Za, make sure that shit isn't burning!!"
by corydon August 8, 2006
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To Urinate. Specifically (but not exclusively) in a urinal.

Origin: Certain urinal drains bear an uncanny resemblance to classic comic strip character Ziggy staring up at you. (two beady eyes and a giant nose)

If the drain is backed up, or you have a exceptionally robust stream, it is possible to completely submerge the "nose" and therefore "Drown Ziggy"

As nothing good ever happens to Ziggy, it is rather fitting.
"I'll be right back, I need to go "Drown Ziggy".

"I drank so much last night that when I took a piss I almost drowned Ziggy."
by Phill The Thrill January 5, 2012
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