VERONICA IS THE BIGGEST BITCH YOU WILL EVER MEET. She parks like a 4 year old and probably juuls because she thinks it's cool. She also likes to get drunk alone and post about it on her finsta so that everyone knows. Everyone loves her though because she is so funny and so nice. She is very pretty. She probably has an older sister and both are obsessed with Flordia schools. When you meet a Veronica, definitely keep her around.
Veronica! No more shots! You're driving us home.
by the12345 November 28, 2018
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Sometimes salty, rarely sweet. Literally and figuratively.
1. See that girl with the family-sized bag of chips? Totally a Veronica.
2. She is a Veronica. She roasted me a lot, which is sad to admit, but true.
by salty-tacos July 4, 2017
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Deriving from French,
meaning; Fake or not authentic
Girl1: Did she have the new Burke bag?

Girl2: Please, it was such a Veronica

Boy1: So why'd you dump that girl, man?

Boy2: Because, she's not real. She's such a Veronica.
by StarEightHundred March 30, 2009
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The littles Gurley who has the smallest violin.
youngest of the Gurley Family.
by pedo paul November 24, 2010
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A bipolar bitch, loves you one day and hates you the next
Veronica Before: Omg you’re so cute
Veronica After: Fuck you bitch
by MrBAM11 August 30, 2020
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Veronica: is the girl who chats up every girls fella and she's basically every girls arch enemy , and boys all like this Veronica , she stands for every pretty but sluty girl in every guys life......
But OF COURSE when you ask a guy who's veronica, he won't know because she's a persona owned by some girl that he's come across

Do bear in mind, girls are also secretly jealous of her
Erm babe who's the f#$* is veronica?????
by #whosveronica November 28, 2017
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