An election in which there is only one real choice--even if it appears that more than one choice is offered--not necessarily restricted to the (old) Soviet Union.
There was no real choice--only one candidtate without a prison record--just another Soviet ballot.
by Dr. Foo July 20, 2008
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A nation whose government killed more people than Hitler, built more nuclear weapons than America, oppressed more people in a larger region than any other nation in history, and fell becuase hundreds of millions of people decided they didn't want to live under an illegal government.

Russia now is a tatter of a shread. Their military has less than 400,000. Their ships are afraid to sail beyond their coastlines. Their "government" is more corrupt than any American coroporation. Their money is worthless. Boy, Russia is such a grand place now!

The USSR's military was the most problem-ridden ever to have existed and they would not have won against the United States in a land war.
Don't listen to wannabe scene-loving "punks" about the USSR. Stalin was worse than hitler and the only way it "solved other country's disputes" was by murdering their government officials and rolling in the tanks. Idiots on these boards need to practice what they preach and read into the fact that the Soviet Union was the worst fascist nation ever to exist.
by Truth & Justice April 8, 2006
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When you have a christmas that you spend only a few bucks to decorate your house. Most of the time for poor people and cheatskates.
Robert: Did your folks go all out

Me: No, they had a Soviet Christmas.
by Agustus Caesar December 24, 2007
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Racial slur for the people who come from countries that were foremerly apart of the Soviet Union (ussr)
Go back to Russia or Ukraine or wherever the fuck your from you soviet nigger
by Rx-z November 15, 2018
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when a man positions a woman on her knees, face down, ass in the "up" position, anally inserts an open (preferably higher end) vodka bottle, inserts penis into vagina and places one foot on the back of said womans neck.
trudi liked to drink and get fucked, so i introduced the modern technique dubbed, "the soviet steamroller"
by matt the dick March 28, 2011
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A core member of the United Socialist Gamer Republic, a coalition of forces opposed to the furry menace. It has a very healthy relationship with the Gamers, and a casual one with the Weebs. Has managed to contain the furries in Eastern and Central Europe. Strengths: snow, more snow, VoDkA, extremely resilient to furry mind tricks, crap tonne of weapons and troops, armoured vehicles are second-to-none. Weaknesses: fascist scum, “those damn furry commies!”, Afghanistan, some bois hiding in the mountains, anime.
The Gamers couldn’t have won without the help of the Soviet Union, and the Soviets couldn’t have won without them.
by Sovietism190 January 5, 2020
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Blacking out from rage only to see when everything comes back in to focus mass devastation.
Joseph Stalin suffered from so much soviet rage that when the smoke settled 60 million people were dead.
by The_Raft February 25, 2009
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