A term given to someone, usually a small child, when they are acting in a completely phsycotic or hyper-active manner. Used in a affectionate way.
- Small child is running around in circles laughing at his/her own fart
- Onlooker: Oh you filthy mongrel!
by Billybob the banksiaman November 5, 2007
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A person who will fight a war or die trying for a small sample of cock; a barbarian for cock.
Man that guy has some serious shell shock. He's a Cock Mongrel.
by iHypno January 7, 2008
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a person who loves tites so much they will sitck their head in them and shake it around like a wild animal.
"Man Tom gets laid a lot, but he turns down those flat chested girls, he is a tity mongrel.
by billy joe jenkjins January 9, 2008
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this word can be used in many ways and is quite diverse, but is commonly an insult.
1. someone who is grimey. maybe they haven't showered. or they are a slob.
2. a person who is schemey or annoying
3. typically a friend that pisses you off in some way
"damn mongrel rat"
by Petrarca July 1, 2009
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1).A turd comprised with chunks of undigested food such as corn

2).Multiple turds from different donors stuck together, usually found in port-o-pottys and gas-station restrooms
"After eating that corn today, next time i shit there's gonna be a huge turd mongrel in the toilet"
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Whenever a football player blitzes every play. Usually caused by lack of skill in their secondary or out out of fear.
Crockett: Tabor is full of cock mongrels, they blitz every play.
by BuddhaBrown September 3, 2009
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A person who is obsessed with the cock and will do anything to get it.
Bob: That girl is a total cock mongrel
Chad: Yeah, look at her stare at that guys package foaming at the mouth..
by ShitKok September 10, 2007
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