
A cross-breed, can be a derogatory name for those of mixed heritage.
that mixed girl looks like a mongrel
by MixedRaceCutie October 9, 2006
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a rather unexplainable term used when you really dont like a person. marked by ugliness, rudeness, fatness, etc.
She is such a mongrel!
by mdoarngiaenlle November 3, 2008
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This term is a derogatory way of calling someone mixed-race.

It can be referring to when someone doesn't know what they are or are a percentage of every nation on the earth.

But, generally it means:

When someone is a mix of so many races that they're likened to a mixed-breed mutt.

i.e. a mixed-race person of more than two.
Dan: "Hey Mark, are you like French or English or what?"

Mark: "I'm a mongrel."
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An annoying person who never shuts the fuck up and gives people their opinion when nobody fucking wants to hear it.
guy: wow could she have been anymore of an mongrel today.
guy 2: fuck tell me about it.
by rablerablerable May 29, 2011
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A knob in a state of high alert, viz a viz a watchdog or robber's cur. A less highly-strung version is known as a half-mongrel, or slung-mong.

Oaf: "By crikey, I'm so enamoured of that gentlelady that my mongrel is verily frothing at the mouth. I fear I shall soil my tweeds with nut muck!"
by Mr Marky February 1, 2008
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A knob in a state of high alert, viz a viz a watchdog or robber's cur. A slightly less prepared version is know as a half-mongrel, or slung-mong.
Oaf: "By crikey, I'm so enamoured of that gentlelady that my mongrel is verily frothing at the mouth. I fear I shall soil my tweeds with nut muck!"
by Mr Marky January 31, 2008
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Someone who parties exessively hard at all times.
Dude, it's Mongrel Monday. Come down to the house and pound this keg-dog.

Dude, I was such a mongrel last night when I pounded all those brews/shots.
by Mongrelface McG April 23, 2010
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