A fucking asshole that sends kids to ISS because he gives them fireworks.
Jeremiah: Duck you
Me: Suck my ass
by Schoolshit July 7, 2019
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Short, Talks a lot

Runs very fast
Lousy in certain Sports like basketball or football
tend to get emo over the girl he loves
retarded in nature
"He is such a Jeremiah"
by pomwo February 20, 2017
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Jeremiah is someone who you can trust at the beginning, but slowly shows his true colors as you guys start dating. At first, he was such a sweet person... Always texting first with the good morning and goodnight texts, always calling or face timing you every morning and night, giving you surprises all the time with candy and kisses, saying how much he cared about you, always holding your hand or goes out of his way to make you feel like a queen. It's all a dream that you found a someone who is amazing until you start dating him when all of a sudden he doesn't do half the things he did while you guys were talking. Then he starts lying to you and will not tell you the truth until you have to confront him yourself when one of your friends texted you. Then he lies about being with his sick grandma when he's actually hooking up with another girl.... The lies don't ever stop. If you know a jeremiah, then never trust him...
Jeremiah: Hey, so my friend asked me to bring someone to the drive-in but since you're not here I'll just stay home.
Alexia: Hey, Dang... I wish I was home because that would be so much fun!
Jeremiah: Yeah!! Miss you
Erin: \Hey girl, Jeremiah just texted me and asked me to go to the drive in movie with him...
Alexia: WHAT!!!?? Thank you for telling me girl!
Erin: OFC Girl.
Alexia: So you texted Erin, asking her to go to the drive in movie when you said that you weren't going because i wasn't home?
Jeremiah:Yes, I did and I texted 4 other girls but that's it.... I haven't seen her in a long time
Alexia: 4 GIRLS? So you lied to me and said you weren't going, then i get a text from erin saying you texted her and then you tell me you asked 4 other girls
Jeremiah: I'm sorry
by DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY!! October 1, 2020
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Jeremiah is the most unwanted person in this world, no one wants to be around him, he is heartless, and most people women try to avoid him.In conclusion he is a horrible person no likes.
Jeremiah: Hey!
Cason: Is that Jeremiah EWWWW.
Daylin: Yeah he such a horrible person.
by Thatoneguy670676 May 17, 2018
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This is the douchebag stoner Jeremiah. He smokes weed everywhere. Gets high at school and will most likely get expelled for possession of weed. Always thinks that if you mention his name without actually talking to him youre talking shit. Only threatens people who are younger and smaller than him. Has a really shitty beard that makes him look Amish. His teeth are also really fucked up. Never brushes his teeth, and flexes his "gold" he got from Walmart. If he gets over 100$, he will also flex that on Instagram. Uses 420 and his horoscope as a nickname for everything. Definitely skates. Acts like he was born in the 90s and always says "kids these days will never know the struggle of back then" when those kids were born a year later than him. Wears fake gold grills on his teeth and says they are real even though they look like plastic or something you would get from a Halloween costume. Says nigga a lot even though he is white. He wears really baggy clothes and sags his pants all gay n shit. Calls teachers he likes by their first name cause he thinks "they close." If you are around this person, he will make really shitty jokes constantly and wont shut up even after the teacher tells him to stfu. His laugh is fucking gay, and will make fun of people but will get mad if he is made fun of. He says bruh in at least every sentence. He will mention how hes from the hood and thinks hes hot af.
I'm so glad that fucktard Jeremiah got expelled. He was a bitch anyways. Literally everyone forgot abut him.
by NiggaSaucin February 24, 2019
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That kid in class that gets hooked up with his girlfriend in the boys bathroom girls are all over him
Omg Jeremiah is soooo Awesome and nice
by Jeremiah j j October 17, 2019
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