A deadly disease that is caused opon listening to too much Elton John. The disease is contagious and can spread to even wildlife.
Lowan, is it true that you have elton johndis disease?
by thebrontrontickle4 July 5, 2022
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This is a phrase made as a response that can be said in rebuttal to a stupid comment about something that is completely untrue. It's purpose is to sarcastically add on to the other person's fib with another lie to go with it, showing them how they are incorrect. This particular phrase is derived from the fact that Elton John is gay, and therefore saying this would mean you are lying.
RJ: Bush is a warmonger!
Ryan (Me): yeah...and Elton John's Straight!

The Kentucky Yankee, proud UrbanDictionary user giving you great comebacks since August 1, 2004.
by The Kentucky Yankee October 3, 2005
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Incredible musician Knighted by the one and only Queen Elizabeth II, hosted SNL, In Billboards Top 5 Best selling artists of ALL time. Known for flamboyant outfits on stage and meaningful lyrics, with just incredible rhythm. He is also a Gay Icon married to Canadian Filmmaker David Furnish. He has 2 (adopted) children!
Sir Elton John is performing on stage, I wonder what his outfit will be this time
by Auswatt February 17, 2022
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The term used for a man's nutsack that has one piercing on the right testicle.
Duder 1: "Dude I saw Jarmaal's package the other day in the locker room. He's totally got his right testicle pierced. It's so nasty."

Duder 2: "Say what? He's rockin' an Elton John sack?"

Duder 1: "Yeah! He thinks it makes his cock look bigger."
by westfalia December 21, 2009
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The mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Watson, declared the 20-26 October Elton John Week!
Girl: I was born in Elton John week!!

Guy: Wow that’s so awesome! He is the best!
by Rainbow1cupcake December 10, 2019
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