just a random dude aspiring to be one of the greats. he's pretty hot too.
Dude 1: man you acting like a Bauer johns up in here.
Dude 2: oh I guess I am.
by urmomscodsquad May 12, 2020
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Jack Bauer is SOL... no, not shit outta luck. Sex On Legs. ;)
Jack Bauer is sex on legs... and Kiefer isn't bad either!
by duckhunter24 August 16, 2004
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A reference to the overachiever State Secretary of Skills USA

An overachieving person who is arrogant and likes to put people down

"That asshole move could only have been done by Billy Bauer."

"Billy Bauer rubs my belly and then says I smell bad."

"Billy Bauer loves Chelsea Gordon."

by Andy Bauer March 12, 2009
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the cutest boy alive.
hott bod
and he's my cyber friend:)
:) <3 god i just want zack bauer to do me
by mypie.xo April 17, 2010
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Verb: Meaning to open up a serious can of "whoop ass" on a person or group of people in such a way that it is quite clear which of the parties involved got his or her ass kicked.
Did you see that fight between Nate and Martin? Yeah. He totally Jack Bauered his ass!
by TscribeBoston December 21, 2006
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Not to be confused with the primetime superhero, a "jack bauer" is probably the opposite of the man named Jack Bauer. The term originates from the term "bauer", which is a combination of the words beer and shower. In other words, a bauer is when you drink a beer while showering. To make it a "jack bauer", one must "jack it", or masturbate, while drinking a beer in the shower.
"Hey man, you wanna head out to that party now?"
"Yeah, let me just take a "jack bauer" first."
"Oh good call bro, I was gonna go do the same. But in my own shower. Why are you still putting quotes around jack bauer in this example conversation by the way?"
"Urban Dictionary made me do it. Also, I just got this thing that my laptop can sit on in the shower, so now I can watch internet porn during my jack bauers. Best jack bauers ever."
"This is an obnoxiously long conversation about a ridiculous topic."
"Ridiculously awesome."
by doittoit88 January 30, 2009
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