251 definitions by your mom

I saw a porno movie in which Jenna Jamison used a jawhes on snatcheroo.
by your mom February 5, 2004
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They Might be Giants are one of the greatest bands ever.
by your mom January 13, 2004
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Jamming your small finger in dat bitch's ass. Sometimes results in a "dirty sanchez" when results are wiped on her upper lip.
"Hey Hillary, how does my finger feel in your ass?"
"Gee Gary, that's great but how does it smell?"
"Like shit bitch!"
"Damn, that's a stinky pinky!"
by your mom August 18, 2003
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what my hard drive is doing right now
Them spybot's is mad stupid, they got my hard-drive straight trippin'
by your mom September 17, 2003
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Makes bad electronic music :|||||||
Person1: I was listening to some bad electronic music.
Person2: sl4?
Person1: yep.
by your mom January 13, 2004
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1. Unipr0n is another name for 'uniporn' that translates into 'unicorn porn'. Used to describe people who get horny over drawings of naked unicorns.

2. A picture of a unicorn with a black censor bar over it's crotch and chest.

See also: pr0n
1. lolz dat unipr0n maks me uber hornee.

2. Look at my awesome unipr0n picture. Didn't I draw the censor bars perfectly?
by your mom March 1, 2005
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what u say in responce to any question
your mom : so what did u do today?
you : your mom

jen: so what r we doin 2day in french?
me: your mom!
by your mom March 30, 2003
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