251 definitions by your mom


A word you randomly insert into conversations or lack of.:p
person1: Whats up.
person2: Not much. Whats up with you.
person1: Just hanging out.
person2: Cool.
person1: Fruitbooter
by your mom December 7, 2003
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Very good, very atractive. Mark by tasteful simplicity. Being beyond the average.
What a shitapulous day!
by your mom July 22, 2003
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Good Fellas

THE best movie ever made. About the famous mobster Henry Hill, and his life being a a simple kid, then going into the mob. It is the best movie ever.
jimmy: have u seen good fellas?

matt: no, why

jimmy: cuz its mad good, here borrow it, tell me wut u think

(1 week later)

by your mom June 12, 2005
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the vernacular for one such word "toast".

1) A statement of acknowledged disagreement with another statement

2) A statement referring to the loss of morality, specifically referring to a sexual encounter.
Deanne was tizzost with every guy and some girls.
by your mom March 3, 2003
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San Ramon

Typical suburbian town.... hot girls hot guys... teenagers who think they are ghetto but they are not. Typical well off city, parks everywhere you look and little kids with their moms (hot moms by the way) on the sidewalks. Has the best 4th of July celebration in Northern California. 30 mins from San Fransisco, 20 from Oakland, 4 hours from Tahoe and 1 hour from Santa Cruz
by your mom November 2, 2004
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Meaning to have boned or had sex with someone. Comes from the word stiff one or stiffy which means the erection of mans penis.
Did you get stiffed by that guy last night?
by your mom March 21, 2005
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word to trick graham ha it's a real word bitch!
this is a long word (postiviosaconcouctoroasandromedaandimorphosiac)
by your mom November 15, 2003
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