251 definitions by your mom


in the words of red hot chili peppers-
caabbrrrron, cabbrrrron, cabrrrrrrron, cabbbrrrron...
by your mom April 19, 2004
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Pizo is a young(underage) overdeveloped female
Damn yo, check out that pizo....
by your mom October 10, 2003
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I showed kennethcowan.com what good skull is...
by your mom January 30, 2003
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No Doubt

Talented band whose first album most CERTAINLY was NOT Tragic Kingdom. Sheesh. Get it right, kids.
No Doubt was est. 1987.
by your mom June 17, 2003
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a band. From california. This thing told me the definiton was too short. What an ass.
from California. They're emo. And cooler than you'll ever be. Werd?
by your mom April 28, 2004
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the leader of spymac and the coolest person on the face of the earth
all hail atarist
by your mom January 23, 2004
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