14 definitions by vladimir

a slave driver fron the 1800's..... do the research
my great garndaddy was a crackah for your grandaddy nigger
by vladimir April 17, 2004
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Agreement made before getting married. Will help in the divorce.
Thank god you were smart and got a pre-nup. Now you'll have a happy divorce.
by vladimir January 25, 2004
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punishment for being stupid enough to marry the bitch.
You got married, now you'll be paying for the rest of your life in the divorce settlement. Too bad you didn't get a pre-nup
by vladimir January 25, 2004
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"You see that mofo?? he's going 90 in a 30, what a motard!"
by vladimir December 19, 2004
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Short for weblog. Blogs originally had purpose when the few people who had them actually had interesting and/or informative things to say. These blogs still exist, and are quite enjoyable to read, however the advent of blogger.com and livejournal.com has changed this once meaningful application into utter shit, allowing every day idiots to write about how shitty their lives are and why everyone should care.
Good Blog: Informative news, real humor and entertainment. Often build and published by someone with a brain.

Bad Blog: "School sucks", what you had for lunch, why your depressed because your 14 year old boyfriend dumped you and its the end of the world.
by vladimir June 8, 2005
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The process of stealling items descrieetly from a store.
"I just got a copy of this game by Window Shopping. Didn't pay a dime"

"Yo, lets go window shopping. I'm broke"
by vladimir December 3, 2004
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