10 definitions by vern

Sullivan Flop

1. an attempt at humor that makes nobody laugh and in fact has the effect of making the recipients' days just a little bit worse
2. a clumsy fall that causes unexpectedly severe bruising
1. After a very funny email about a slutty bartender looking anywhere from 30 to 50, Jean Doe writes an email back saying, "Was it Ashley Young?" As nobody knows who that person is or gets any hidden message that Jean Doe intended, the attempt at humor failed. The days got just a little bit worse for each of the readers of the email. They'd been Sullivan flopped.
2. Upon being tossed a golf ball in a rather routine move, Joan Doe loses her balance and stumbles down a 3-degree incline slope, the land of which is comprised of soft grass. Left with a large bruise on her hip, Joan has experienced a Sullivan flop.
by vern July 23, 2004
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You just as awesome as Melvern, that's pretty godly
by vern February 1, 2016
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Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair - Computer Troubleshooting error description
Felicia your computer is suffering a PEBKAC error...
by vern October 17, 2002
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Related to perverted. Something that has a sexual connotation, especially in a slimey way.
That was such a PERVEY comment...you are SO nasty!
by vern February 15, 2005
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vin = wine in french

egar is a variant of english "eager"
eagar wine makes vinegar
by vern October 8, 2002
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AN Ancient Roman General, who claims to have been born August 27, 221 BC.

Suspected to just be a wanker with no social life and delusions of sexxah-ness
fish Severn, College Station, Texas, USA.
by vern December 6, 2003
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