117 definitions by the2ndflood

(1). A Republican who hosts The O'Reilly Factor on the Fox News Channel; a channel with ties to the Far-Right American Republican party. A So-Called Independent who was thrilled when George W. Bush was reelected to the presidency in 2004, but then told the Democrats not to rub their victory in the faces of the Republican's, when the Democrats won control of the US House and Senate in 2006. (3). A bully who uses his audience as a tool to win debates on his show. (4). A person who was accused of sexual harassment around the same time his first children's book came out . He of course settled the case out of court and swept the incident under the rug. (5). A Rich-White-Male who made a racist comment after visiting a Black-Owned and Run restaurant in Harlem New York; "(Bill) I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks. There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, '@#$%^&, I want more ice tea!'" (6). A Stereotypical Religious Fanatic who is against gay marriage, Stem cell research, abortion, illegal immigration and equal rights for gay and lesbian's persons. (7). A person that uses his show to spread Republican ideals, hatred, and fears. (8). A tool of the Bush administration. (9). A lier.
Bill O'Reilly is such a lier! He claims to be an Independent, but always defends George W. Bush! If a child called George Bush a Poopy-head, Bill would sound off on it using his show.
by the2ndflood November 2, 2007
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1. The use of force to repair an object. 2 Kicking, punching, a mechanical item to make it work again.
Why would I need a mechanic to fix my car? I just used Thump Mechanics and kicked that bitch until it worked again!
by the2ndflood November 11, 2007
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A lame, generic person that has no thoughts of their own, so they conform to a trend. Examples; 5 classifications. 1. A Civic- A person that buys only Import cars, tricks the car out the same way, listens to nothing but Rap music, blasts the bass too loud, and speaks with Ebonics. 2 A Gothhead- A person that listens to nothing but Metal & Goth music, smokes heavily, makes rude comments, treats others with disrespect, and is an Atheist. 3. A White Poser- A White male or female that follows all trends that deal with the Black culture. Listens to nothing but Rap music, speaks in broken English, dresses like a thug, and drives a tricked-out car.4. A Paris Hilton- A person that acts better then everyone else because they have money. Speaks in a very clean, but goofy American accent. Drives Cadillac's and Lexus's only, and excessively shops and spends money. 5. A Redneck- A person that speaks with a broken, Southern accent. Drives Ford & Chevy trucks. Hunts & Fishes. Listens to only Country music. Ignorant to other race, sexual, and Non-Christian issues.(A Redneck is not the same as a Southern person. A Redneck is Ignorant to anything but White issues. Often times Raciest and Homophobic) Trend Followers are also know as "Sheep" and "Conformers."
It is sad that Trend Followers make all of us look bad. They are just basic, generic, stereotypes.
by the2ndflood March 4, 2008
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A Stereo Chick; meaning Stereotype; is a woman who bases her looks completely on what is common. Instead of trying to be herself. She chooses to look generic and bland. This look normally entails the Blond Stereotype Look, IE: Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, Fake Breasts, Golden Tanned, with comically large Lip Implants. The Blonde Stereotype Look is very common in the USA. Due to the fact that it is so common; this just makes the look boring and makes every woman with this look seem bland. A Stereo Chick doesn't necessary have to follow the Blonde look; it is just any woman conforming to a set look, instead of being different and unique.
Man, there must be a million web sites with Stereo Chicks on them! I can't tell one of these blonde Stereo Chicks apart. So why do people keep bothering to view these sites? If you have seen 1 naked Blonde with big fake lips and breasts, then you have seen pretty much all of them. Same-Old, Same-Old.....
by the2ndflood July 31, 2008
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This is a view that is held by many women that a man should be able to mind read their girlfriends thoughts. This is a major cause of many arguments between couples, because a woman often thinks she should shouldn't have to say anything and her boyfriend should just be able to understand her emotions or problems.
(Boyfriend) Where would you like to go tonight? (Girlfriend) The movies would be fun. (Boyfriend) What would you like to see? (Girlfriend) Let's see The Goonies. (Boyfriend) So how did you like the movie? (Girlfriend) Why did we have to see The Goonies? (Boyfriend) That's what you said you wanted to see! (Girlfriend) You should have known I didn't want to see some kids movie, I wanted to see something romantic. (Boyfriend) Then why didn't you say that before? (Girlfriend) I shouldn't have to, your my boyfriend, you should know by now what I want to see. (Boyfriend) I'm not a Psychic Boyfriend you know! So I guess were going to fight about this right? (Girlfriend) Ohh yeah!
by the2ndflood March 7, 2008
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Bobby-Tommy is a term used when referring to the made up names foreign Customer Care reps are forced to use when dealing with American, European, Canadian and any other English speaking nation. Outsourced Customer Care (CC) for short, is mainly outsourced to places like India, China, and the Philippians. Where their native names are not as commonly used elsewhere in the world. So companies give these employees Bobby-Tommy's. Example: A name of Yashodhara Abhay would be given an Americanized name of Bobby Smith. This trick is suppose to help the customer feel like they are not dealing with outsourced labor, but it rarely, if ever works.

Well I left my wireless carrier today. I was stuck on hold for an hour and ended up speaking with yet another Bobby-Tommy. I couldn't understand a word they were saying, but they somehow managed to mess up my account again. Do these companies really think giving a name Jennifer Warner to someone that could barely speak English would fool me into thinking I was speaking to an American?
by the2ndflood July 12, 2008
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A Shit Bullet is a piece of poo poo that shoots out of your anus with such force, that is splashes dirty toilet water all over your butt and even onto the bathroom floor. These tend to be small pieces that can slip out with a lot of force.
(Man 1) Hey man, I need some bleach and an old towel. (Man 2) Why? (Man 1) Because I just shot out a Shit Bullet and now there is shit all over the floor and mirror. (Man 2) Damn it dude! Every time you come over here you leave me with that same nasty surprise! Have you ever thought about eating something called FRUIT?! Or something with Fiber in it?
by the2ndflood August 2, 2008
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