35 definitions by terryzz

Formerly known as "The United States of America"; a beautiful homogenous blend of tree huggin,soap sellin,checkwritin,viagra gulpin,i.d fabricatin,dope smokin,kuran and bible thumpin, two faced ex-race guilted victims. Now all residents claim to be of mexa- afro-euro-indiasian desent. All living in perfect harmony,even comedians have something other than race-related material. A.K.A ; NEW FRANCE
SUNG TO;from"all in the family" Didn't need no welfare state...everybody pulled their weight... mister we could use a plan for Obamanation again....
by terryzz February 16, 2009
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A process of raping your intelligence; never accompanied by a pre-lubricant; doesn't leave you with an endorphine high and craving a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich or a cigarette. Rarely are dinner and drinks bought for you before or after the act; most often tried on an unsuspecting victim,penetration has less friction; the perpetrator will rarely call you the next day; A passive-agressive way to get their money shot, no happy ending for you.
I just read The New York Times and watched 2 hours of Fox news, now I don't know which hand to wipe with...what a mindfuck.
by terryzz February 17, 2009
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SOCIAL STANDING; a way of life,defined by mannerisms and socioeconomic goals, anyone who lives north of Saginaw MI. for more than 2 years.A person that has attempted to mount a snowplow to their old lady's GrandAm. one who;goes to WalMart in sweat pants and flannel shirt to play nintendo(it's free); has jb-welded their dental work in place;waits for their monthly check in lieu of getting a job.
Terryzz used to be a business man when he lived "downstate", now he's happy to be a WOODTICK. He's gonna get a job tomorrow.
by terryzz February 15, 2009
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noun; created once Barack Hussein Obama (44th president of The United Sstates of America) and fellow patriots allow a change, or amendment to the "Constitution of The United States of America" allowing a president once again to hold a third term (of 4-years) of office,, thus alolowing him to be both 44th and 45th president of the United States.
woodtick: "The Obamamendment was the best thing that coulda happened to us,
when ya got a good thing...stick with it!"
by terryzz February 24, 2009
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What UD on this site means,or doesn't mean; not a uteran device, not a place to go on with your sociopolitical whining. It is a web site that's supposed to give definitions and sometimes pronunciations of words used in contemporary vernacular. However if used properly, both UD, and your vernacular can be discreet places to vent your sociopolitical whimpering without offending too many. Seewit
My old lady spent all day messin with her UD site.
by terryzz February 16, 2009
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a phrase : used to exclaim when you have enhanced,to your satisfaction, any of your belongings or character/activities by means which are suitable to your budget (free)IE; folding your car's wiper arms to their "up" position,turning them on and driving to(listening to led zeppelin) walmart to play video games(free) wearing(as a tanktop) a plastic shopping bag from abercrombie that you cut the bottom out of. All or part or all of this definition may be an exageration of the truth, which is another example of "pimpin it woodtick".
"Down Stater" looking at terry pulling an airbed behind his boat: Man ! that guy is "pimpin it woodtick" .
by terryzz February 22, 2009
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a tool of the human mind; sometimes used to get oneself "layed"; a compilation of knowledge typically set forth through common vernacular or nomenclature,(use words with as many syllables as possible..it make you soun smart).Many times the sole asset of the participant's arsonal of personal selfworth, ie; the only multitasking I am proficient at is,talking and pissing people off at the same time.
MY BFF: "so you gonna jes stand there and take that shit,"
ME: "noooo,, I'll protect myself with wit."
MY BFF: "wit what?".
by terryzz February 17, 2009
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