42 definitions by talmanes

A portmanteau of "virginity" and "dignity," virdignity is the kind of self-respect and pride you can only lose once, and then never again. The end of an undefeated record, falling off the wagon after a long term of sobriety, sharting your pants for the first time (especially when said hard fart happens around witnesses)--these would all be extreme examples of a loss of virdignity. For the most part, one only realizes virdignity exists once it's been lost.
Oh, shit--Chaz just fell down and split his pants! There goes his virdignity at this job!

Jenny was going down on me the other day, and I totally cut one. Complete loss of virdignity, man.

Hey, I've still never gotten an STD, unlike you sluts. My virdignity is intact.
by talmanes December 2, 2006
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1. (n) Sammitz is a mispronunciation of the word "sandwich" by way of the more common mispronunciation, "sammich," and likewise has connotations of special goodness or quality.

2. (n) Used as part of the phrase "go make me a sammitz," which can mean many things, including "go do something else," "go do something for me that I don't want to do myself," or the obvious, "go make me a sandwich."
1. Damn, this is a good-ass sammitz!

2. Why are you all up in my grill? Bitch, go make me a sammitz!
by talmanes January 6, 2005
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The combination of "Irish" and "Italian," generally referring to the very common American descendants of Irish and Italian immigrants. For some strange reason, the two tend to be drawn together.
Johnny took six shots and then made out with Kirsten? Damn, those Iretalians don't play!
by talmanes October 6, 2006
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A particular type of flatulence wherein the fart produces a short, sharp snap or pop and nothing more, as opposed to a long, drawn out tone or a raspberry.
I leaned back in my chair and accidentally let a snap fart go at the office, but I don't think anyone noticed.

I was walking behind this guy and he totally snap farted and tried to play it off as a cough.
by talmanes December 2, 2006
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An adjustment to the expression "You're dead to me," which implies that the target may as well be dead in the speaker's eyes, "You're dude to me" is a statement generally made by men to platonic female friends that the speaker no longer sees as women (and therefore objects of lust). Said mostly in jest or in protest to accusations of hitting on said female friends.
Jamie, I would never grab your ass. You're dude to me.

Oh, that is just disgusting -- look at those hairy pits! You're totally dude to me now!

Girl: Do you think I'm hot?
Guy: You're attractive, but you're dude to me.
by talmanes March 31, 2007
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An action taken by rotund men and women wherein a dropped item is bounced off of a protruding gut rather than caught or allowed to hit the floor. This is often done with food, but can be done with any item dropped above the abdomen. When performed from a seated position, this maneuver is almost always effective, though it may have unfortunate side-effects (such as getting condiments on clothing).
I was taking my vitamins earlier and dropped one, but I totally belly blocked it onto the table.

That dude totally just belly blocked that hacky sack back into play.
by talmanes December 11, 2006
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The words "Dude, I'll kill you" all slurred together without pause, often muttered under one's breath to a friend who is about to either say or do something stupid that will result in negative repercussions to you. More a warning than an actual threat.
Dudeillkillyou. I know what you're about to say about me sleeping with his sister.

Put down the water balloon. Dudeillkillyou.

by talmanes December 2, 2006
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