31 definitions by skeeter mcdougal

Superfippy is a contraction of 'superficial hippie'. This term is used to describe a certain breed of animal-rights advocates. Though protesting for animal rights is an honorable endeavor, superfippies only care about animals they think are cute. They don't protest animal testing or the destruction of habitat for moral reasons or because of the impact these things have on the environment. Superfippies only care about the safety of cute/fuzzy animals that they like. Some of these animals include dolphins, bunnies and chimps.
Mike: Moonspray is such a superfippy. She is always bitching about non-dolphin safe tuna because she doesn't want dolphins being killed for food. All I can say is it sucks for the tuna that they arent fuzzy or adoreable.
by skeeter mcdougal September 30, 2005
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The satanic church was started in the 60's by Anton LaVey, so logic would follow that he would be able to define a satanist better than Oprah or whoever hosts Dateline or 20/20. A satanist doesn't believe in god or satan. A satanist is an atheist that believes people should be responsible for their actions.

Satanism itself addresses problems it finds with Judeo-Christian beliefs. They find that telling one's children that they should behave correctly not because its the decent thing to do but because some ridiculous land of fire will make their 'afterlife' really shitty is poor parenting.

The reason why satanists are thought of as scary people in black coats that sacrifice goats and abduct children springs from 2 sources. The first is sensationalist media outlets like Oprah and Dateline and 20/20 and all the daytime talk shows.

The second is the real reason why people believe these shows and thats the tendency of Christians to need to find evil where it doesn't exist. Christians themselves tend to be egotistical (because they only follow their faith when convenient) and like to feel more pious and self-righteous by creating an evil boogeyman that doesn't exist so they can blame society's decay on them.
Christian douchebag: Yeah so this little kid has gone missing, its gotta be the Satanists.

Non-idiot: Hmm, or it could be just a regular criminal.

Christian douchebag: No! Satanists ruin everything. Satanists make me ignore my faith by beating the hell out of my wife and sleeping with my secretary! Its okay though, as long as I go to church a lot and tell god I'm sorry for beating up my wife I'm good. Loopholes are great.
by skeeter mcdougal August 10, 2005
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This phrase origionated in the popular GTA video game series. It can be found in one of the radio advertisements for diamonds, in which the voiceover suggests that when your significant other is acting up, you "chill that bitch out with ice" (ice meaning diamond jewelry).

Since its inception, this phrase is now used as a suggestion to somebody whose woman is being irritating or overbearing. It is important to note that when used as a suggestion, this phrase doesn't always mean that somebody should chill their woman out with lavish jewelry, but rather that they should chill her out by any means necessary. This phrase is often used when somebody is extremely fed up with a friend's significant other, and is a way to say that the situation must be taken care of post-haste.
Bob: "Hey man so are we going to hang out on friday?"
Angus: "Sure dude, its been a while since we hung out."
Bob's Girlfriend: "You promised you would take me to Bed Bath and Beyond and then to go see a play and then to do some other immasculating activities."
Bob: "Oh I forgot, sorry hunny."
Angus: "THATS IT, Bob. You need to chill that bitch out with ice before I beat your monkey ass."
by skeeter mcdougal December 11, 2005
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A nickname used exclusively by overweight women for their husbands. They think the rest of the world thinks it's cute that they call their husband hubby, when in fact it isn't.
Person A: So what plans do you have for this weekend.
Overweight wife: Well me and my hubby are going to go-
Person A: Fuck, forget I asked...
by skeeter mcdougal July 20, 2006
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Stallone's Law states that (when guns are involved, usually) 1 man has better chances of killing 20 men than 20 men killing 1.

This refers to poorly-written action movies where pursuers of the movie's heroine have terrible aim and don't hit the main character, but instead hit surrounding metal objects so that a cool spark effect can ensue.
Person 1: "This movie is retarded, how come those stereotypical movie bad guys with the leather jackets and the foreign accents can't hit the main character? They seem to do perfectly fine hitting the stairs and the metal railing.."

Person 2: "Because he's a loose-cannon cop who plays by his own rules, bitch."
by skeeter mcdougal July 20, 2005
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The term Avril Push was derived from Avril Lavigne music videos which, more or less, follow the same formula. Theres always a man that looks like hes from a shampoo/hair product commercial that is mean to Avril. At some point in the video, Avril pushes this man away from her (almost always in slow-motion) and then runs off to sing into the camera.

This term has come to describe any scenario in which a distressed woman pushes a man away in an overly-dramatic fashion and then runs off.
Angus: "Yeah so what happened with your girlfriend last night. You were at the party and she was acting like you were being all mean to her. Did she Avril Push you?"

Roger: "Yeah, it was weird. I was talking to her and then she pushed me really really slowly and then ran away and started singing."
by skeeter mcdougal December 31, 2005
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One of the many examples of why any band that feels they need to define themselves in terms of "Christian genre here" do so because they suck and can't make it being defined by their genre without the Christian tag on it. This is not to bash Christians, but to bash Norma Jean, who indeed suck.
Billy: Hey man have you ever heard Norma Jean?
Joey: No, I haven't how are they?
Billy: Well they really aren't very good actually.
Joey: Well then why the hell should I listen to them? What kinda music are they?
Billy: They are Christian Hardcore
Joey: OHHH, ok I'll go buy their CDs. I prefer my bands to have a positive Christian message to them, regardless of their lack of talent
Billy: Yeah me too. Plus they have really neato tshirts. Yay for Jesus!
by skeeter mcdougal April 19, 2006
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