53 definitions by sammy

someone real close to you such as best friend or family
by sammy March 26, 2003
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extremely tiny. this phrase was derived from the movie Cheats.
Applebee writes crazy small.
by sammy February 27, 2005
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one of the best bands everr..O.A.R.
by sammy March 16, 2005
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Basically a boyfriend, but much older (30+).
"My Mom's manfriend payed me $10 to clean my room!" - Jamie
by sammy April 16, 2004
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a lover (italian slang)

someone who falls in love easily
''are you a servente?''
''hes a servente''
''what a servente''
by sammy March 12, 2005
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''are you a servente?''
''hes a servente''
by sammy March 12, 2005
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To deck a chick in the back of the head after pounding her in the ass.
Man, I doggy punched her so good last night she fell off the bed
by sammy March 28, 2003
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