131 definitions by richard

A ninja or martial arts trained citizen who usually preforms assasinations on the anus of other men or women for money.
he hired him for an ass assasination
his ass was cut by an ass assasin
jason wheeler is a fagtoast
by richard October 4, 2003
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its the new form of prep dress, it takes the old form and re-creates it for the time of today, you would wear polos in light shades ie. baby pink, blue, and green, cut off kahkis, flip-flops, and a cute tote.
some exaples that sell this style would be american eagle.
by richard April 15, 2005
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fag, a man with four nipples...teen wolf, quad trigger willy... he looks better then u naked
my beon is bigger then yours
by richard May 3, 2004
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Just a quick thought, why is it wrong to be a necropheliac but it's okay to say I would jump your bones?
Some dude, "you are so fit I would jump your bones!"
by richard April 15, 2005
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The Extremely offencive way of dumping your girlfriend involving shagging her bearback from behind then pulling out and jaffing on your own hand while symoltaniously fleming onto her back to give her the impression that you jizzed on her back and when she turns around to look at you slapping her around the face with a hand full of your own jizz before running out of the joint before she can bite your cock clean off and spit it in your face.
I just cobwebbed my girlfriend... I don't think I like her anymore
by richard November 25, 2004
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a situation almost impossible to get out of; a problem virtually unsolvable;
His political advisers told him to stay away from the controversy,
that it was a no-win cause, a “tar baby.”
by richard April 18, 2004
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Stalin, my leader! Wipe out the capitalist pigs! Rise and bring your means to your world!
by richard February 4, 2004
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