23 definitions by reptiles

1. n. a male prostitute, usually services homosexual men. 2. n. a person that manipulates others to his benefit.
1. He picked up a hustler for a quick blow job.
by reptiles October 4, 2002
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n. a person that is very interested in the music of the Grateful Dead, Ratdog, The Other Ones, and frequently other jam bands.
She was a deadhead and toured the country following Jerry Garcia
by reptiles October 4, 2002
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v. to search for reptiles or amphibians
They were herping all morning and saw three rattlesnakes
by reptiles October 4, 2002
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possibly the most braindead species on the planet

Illiterate gumby
chem: I am not Billy. I am chemicalbrother.

you: Fuck up Billy

by reptiles January 6, 2006
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n. a substance or process that draws one closer to the god within
The peyote medicine is entheogenic when used traditionally.
by reptiles October 4, 2002
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n. slang for the drug Ecstasy (C11H15NO2)
(methylenedioxy-n-methylamphetamine) MDMA
Xtc provides a feeling of "oneness" and connectedness but is currently illegal in the US.
by reptiles October 4, 2002
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