80 definitions by provider44

the scream of a muscle head in the gym so that people will stop what they're doing and admire this miracle worker.
'Hey Tommy, you hear that? We must be near a meat neck cuz I just heard some toolmeat in fullheat reverberating from the pec deck area.'
by provider44 January 21, 2010
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a peson who holds up lines to purchase lottery tickets every day
The scratch rash may have found the remedy for distracting the mind from problems at hand but he is investing in despair.
by provider44 January 15, 2010
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When Wanda informed me that her and Trent were going out on a date i was filled with jealousy, but when I caught sight of them making love in her barn I turned into the epitome of a jelly belly.
by provider44 January 14, 2010
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After being with someone long enough you eventually graduate from comfort school and begin to fart at will in their presence with no qualms.(This is the time period where it is amusing to both parties: see Dr. Stinkenstein emeritus)
Pam: Baby it stinks a little in here. Did you fart.

Paulie: Of course, they call me Mr.Stinkenstein at work . You can call me Dr. Stinkenstein.
by provider44 January 17, 2010
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Fernando:Hey can you believe it? Were millionaires now.

Beepo: Nye on rye buddy....nye on rye.
by provider44 January 17, 2010
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any buffet, salad bar, cookout, etc. where its ok to eat your food as you are in line and putting your meal together.
I treat every buffet like it is a Bluto Buffet. I mean daddies gotta eat.
by provider44 January 20, 2010
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when scott called and said we were gonna hit some clubs and look for babies i could only reply with a resounding 'let pah!'
by provider44 January 14, 2010
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