128 definitions by pat

the unfortunate act of when a man owns a woman and takes over all of her shit, including her house, cars, money and independence.
I can't believe I let that asshole I married own me.
by pat January 5, 2004
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A joke to get someone to say "what?", followed by the phrase "got him". This confuses the person very much especially if they do not know of Reyonce.
You: "You got Reyonce?"
Friend: "What?"
You: Got Him
by pat June 20, 2006
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I'm a raceist and use the word "nigs" to decribe black people in a derogatory manor.
by pat January 23, 2005
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The best band in the world---the one from buffalo MN
Pat, Smude, Barry, Reese, Jared, and Ryan, are in Toasterhead
by pat December 30, 2004
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one who is frequently searching to get pussy.
wow my dad is such a Poon Monger
by pat February 24, 2005
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a term describing a guy who beats girls and is a violent...choice weapon is either rolled up newspapers or extremely small penises
"I'm not going to hit you back...I'm not a violent motley"
by pat October 5, 2004
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Australian for 'This Afternoon'.
English man: `care for some crumpets and tea this afternoon, Henry?'

Australian man: `Nah mate I gotta go down to the shops and pick up some XXXX for Brian's barbie the sarvo.'
by pat March 4, 2005
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