128 definitions by pat

"damn, my helm could use a good darthing."
by pat August 25, 2004
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Incredibly awesome, excessively good

Derived from the term "gnarly"
Whoa, did you see him hit the tranny with a 720 nose grind, it was gnar-gnar
by pat February 19, 2003
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the act of chillin, laid back, usually stoned
im so stoned, im just cool lampin in da crib, how i do
by pat March 5, 2005
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Current Microsoft CEO, responsible for amazing marketing and technological breakthroughs in the computer industry, and sales industry.
Man that Steve Ballmer is teh r3sourceful.
by pat March 6, 2005
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I hate TMW I have cereal but no milk
by pat November 13, 2014
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a quarter of an ounce
let me cop a quad
by pat September 25, 2003
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To be formally and officially fucked.

What Pat is on this test.
Bush proper fucked the States.

That u-haul just proper fucked that guy on his bike.

After missing his shot in the brick champion ships, Billy got proper fucked.

The legal system proper fucks minorites.

Rossy O'Donald proper fucked that snack bar.

The Romans proper fucked Jesus.

by pat November 20, 2004
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