255 definitions by onebadasp

Miscegenation comes from the Latin "miscere", to mix, and "genus", race; therefore means to mix races resulting in a hybrid offspring.
Miscegenation is and will always be a taboo.
by onebadasp November 5, 2006
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A small icy body--usually only a few kilometers across--that orbits a star. Most comets orbit the Sun beyond the outermost planets in an enormous cloud known as the Oort cloud.
Like asteroids, comets are builders' rubble left over from the formation of the planets.
by onebadasp October 20, 2006
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A threesome is the term which describes a sexual act involving three people, sometimes also referred to as a menage a trois.
A true threesome is when all three people have sex with each other, not when two people just have sex with one person and not each other.
by onebadasp October 17, 2006
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Has many meanings as follows:

1. Wimp. A physical or emotional weakling; someone who lacks courage. It is meant as a mild insult.

2. WIMP is acronym for 'Weakly Interacting Massive Particle'. WIMPs are conjectured to make up most of the dark matter in the universe.

3. In computing stands for 'Window, Icon, Menu, Pointer' paradigm.

4. As a term coined by Rush Limbaugh Wimp means 'Women-Influenced Male Person.'
1. Tim was often called a wimp by the other boys in class because he was smaller than they were.

2. One leading candidate for the WIMPs are the sparticles predicted by string theory.

3. WIMP interaction was developed at Xerox and popularized by Macintosh.

4. Rush Limbaugh comes up with all kinds of crazy slang, such as Mega Dittoes and WIMP.
by onebadasp October 21, 2006
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Drugs taken to make one high, usually in the form of pills such as OxyCotin.
To be hopped up on happy uppers is to not have a care in the world.
by onebadasp October 21, 2006
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An abbreviation for membrane. Branes can be in any dimension up to eleven. They are the basis of the M-Theory, the leading Theory of Everything. If we take a cross-section of an eleven-dimensional membrane, we obtain a ten-dimensional string. A string is therefore a one-brane.
One theory is that our universe was created by two branes smashing into each other.
by onebadasp October 21, 2006
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Trickery; two-facedness; purposeful deceptiveness.
by onebadasp November 2, 2006
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