255 definitions by OneBadAsp

A very large star, in fact the most massive of the bunch. They are about 10 to 70 times the size of our Sun and can be hundreds of thousands of times brighter. Because of their extreme mass, they are very short lived compared to other stars with a life span of only 10 million years.

Because they live fast, die young and leave a beautiful nebula in their wake, supergiants can only been seen in places like the arms of spiral galaxies, open clusters and irregular galaxies. Places where new stars are born frequently.
Rigel, the brighest star in the constellation Orion is a typical blue-white supergiant, whereas Betelgeuse and Antares are red supergiants.
by OneBadAsp October 20, 2006
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The world's largest manufacturer of 1911 pistols, as well as rifles, shotguns, and much more. Kimber makes some of the best guns on the market; they set the benchmark firearm quality and dependability. They are safe, powerful, accurate, and fast! Kimbers are extremely well-made and therefore a little on the expensive side.
Marines, Special Forces, and LAPD all use Kimbers.

There is no better pistol to have in you hand than a Kimber.
by OneBadAsp October 29, 2006
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One of Odin's ravens, otherwise known as Thought. See Thought and Memory.
"Hugin thought he knew it all
Munin did remeber the fall
They would search the world for me
Telling tales of what they'd see"
by OneBadAsp October 29, 2006
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The quantum theory which states that all possible quantum universes can exist simultaneuously. It solves the Schrodinger cat problem by stating that the universe splits at each quantum junture, and hence the cat is alive in one universe and dead in another.

In other words, everything that can happen, does happen (just in seperate worlds). Every possibility plays itself out in one universe or another.
Recently, an increasing number of physicists have voiced their support for the Many Worlds Theory.
by OneBadAsp October 21, 2006
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When several men rape a woman, demonstrating incredible cowardice and supporting the notion that we humans reside on a limb far from the top of the evolutionary tree.
by OneBadAsp October 22, 2006
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Pathetic self-pitying tripe invented by and subscribed to by “Nice Guys” who blame women for rejecting them. They believe that a woman who they befriend owes them more then friendship because of all the "nice" things they've done. Often going into elaborate detail about how all women are just shallow, vacant, materialistic bitches because they won't have sex with them…then have the audacity to wonder why no woman would touch them with a ten foot pole.

Hint: Woman don’t use this so-called theory and never have; so you are wasting your time with it. A woman can tell when a man is only befriending her to get into her pants and no one is attracted to a person who wallows in self-pity and hate.
Direct quote from the male who invented this “theory”:
“Bitch -- 99.999% of women. Note for men: I know they are. Note to women: yes, you are in this group. More accurately it is a woman who is not honest about whyshe won't sleep with you. Or sometimes, just a woman who won't sleep with you. And of course women who won't admit the basic truth of Ladder Theory.”

Show's you what he really thinks of women doesn't it?
by OneBadAsp October 30, 2006
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A military term meaning "fuck it, got my orders". Used when someone wants you to do something but you are busy doing something else.
Figmo! I can't be bothered with you right now!
by OneBadAsp October 22, 2006
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