255 definitions by onebadasp

Slang for opium. Simular to using the slang term Mary Jane for marijuana.
Victor said he was going to visit Aunti Emma today because he was having trouble and needed some advice.
by onebadasp October 21, 2006
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A slang term sometimes used for LSD or psilocybin.
Charlie was tripping on God's flesh.
by onebadasp October 21, 2006
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The region of space close to a rotating black hole from which it is possible, in principle to, extract energy.
The outer boundary of the ergosphere is called the static limit.
by onebadasp October 20, 2006
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A shorter version of kinfolk; meaning one's family. Someone who is connected to you by blood or marriage, i.e. your kinsman, kinswoman, kindred, relation, relative.
Jack was not used to spending so much time away from his kin.
by onebadasp November 2, 2006
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A follower of Asatru. Asatru is the indigenous religion of North Europe and is still practiced today. The word is Icelandic and means true to the Aesir (Norse Gods and Goddesses).
Sam isn't Wiccan, she's an Asatruar.
by onebadasp October 15, 2006
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Aliens on the TV show Earth Final Conflict. A throw back to before the Taelons and Jaridians diveraged as seperate species. They are humanoid looking but have laser claws that protrude out of their fingers which they stab into people's chests to suck the life force out of them. Atavus' are very evil and highly sexual creatures.
When Taelons are seperated from the commonality they devolve into Atavus.
by onebadasp October 30, 2006
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A type of alcoholic drink. Unfermented honey blended with high alcohol wine. Sometimes bartenders try to pass it off as mead.
Mulsum is not a true mead.
by onebadasp October 24, 2006
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