38 definitions by nutella137

False dichotomy

Thinking that there are only two possibilities when there are more.
Louise: I love cats.
Keisha: why don’t you like dogs?
Louise: I like both, liking cats and liking dogs aren’t mutually exclusive. Thinking they are is a false dichotomy.

Person 1: I’m not a liberal.
Person 2: so you’re a conservative?
Person 1: no I’m independent. Why do people see politics as a false dichotomy.
by nutella137 August 20, 2020
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Pablo: hey Courtney, what ethnicity are you? Are you Dominican?
Courtney: nope.
Pablo: Guyanese?
Courtney: nope.
Pablo: are you mixed?
Courtney: yeah, my dad is black and my mom is Russian.
Pablo: that’s so cool, I’ll call you Blussian.
by nutella137 December 30, 2021
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short guy

Contrary to what some people say, there’s nothing wrong with being a short guy. Short guys and short girls look really cute together.
Jennifer: I’m only 5 feet so I have to date short guys, doesn’t bother me though.
by nutella137 July 23, 2020
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I don’t suck dick

1. The words a woman can say to a man to ruin their relationship, turns her from a 10 to a 1.
2. Something a lesbian or a straight man would say.
1. Devin: if you suck my dick, I’ll eat you out.
Hanna: I don’t suck dick.
Devin: I don’t think this is gonna work out.

2. Jackson: you’re gay bruh
Ben: No, I don’t suck dick.
by nutella137 July 18, 2020
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Interracial dating

Dating someone of a different race. Believe it or not, some people still have a problem with it despite that it doesn’t hurt anyone.
Georgia: I don’t see how anyone could be against interracial dating. I’m half Mexican and half Chinese. My friend Pablo is Cuban with an Indian girlfriend and my friend Dina is Hispanic and only dates black guys.
by nutella137 July 23, 2020
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Rural ghetto

A poor area of a small town. Lots of mobile homes, tobacco, and meth. Contrary to inner city ghettos, which are majority African American and have smaller groups of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Italians, Polish people, Vietnamese people and Laotians and is majority democrat, rural ghettos consist of poor white Anglo Saxon Americans and is mostly republican.
Keisha: I grew up in the Boston ghetto.
Macy: well I grew up in a rural ghetto in Alabama.
by nutella137 July 18, 2020
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anti crush

Someone who you would absolutely not want to date under any circumstances. If you and them were the last single people on earth, you’d rather be single. Can also apply to the same gender for straight people and the opposite gender for gay people.
Carl: I think you’d be a cute couple with Mason.
Kate: hell no, he’s not only ugly, but he’s rude and has bad hygiene. He’s my anti crush. How the fuck can you picture me dating him?

Lexie: I’m a lesbian, and even though I have friends that are guys, men are my anti crushes.
by nutella137 July 22, 2020
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